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Speaking of executing process activity...

When executing a process activity, the required procedures are performed for the process flow progress. The activity executions are important so that the process request evolves and reaches the process objective.

Executing process activity

01. Access the process request that you want to run.

To run a process request, the user should be responsible for the request current activity or be the process manager. You can access the process request through the Task Central. For more details about the task central, check the Task Central feature.

02. In the Form tab, the fields of the form definition entered in the process configuration are displayed. Fill out the required fields.

The fields displayed in the form are previously defined through the Form Definition feature, which allows you to standardize the format, availability and fields to be filled out in a certain activity. If the process does not have a form definition associated with it, the Form tab will not be displayed.

03. Click the History tab.

The History tab presents the record of all movements done in the request, what were the activities run until the moment, the person responsible and the date when each activity was run, as well as the notes made by each user. When a process request is being started, the History tab will not be presented. The history will only be presented after the first movement record for the request in question.

04. If the annotations need to be performed, access the Annotations tab.

The Annotations tab allows the user to register the hours worked annotations in the activity execution. If the activity does not control the effort by annotations, the Annotations tab will not be displayed. To add a new annotation, you should enter the date and time spent and click the Save button. To delete an annotation, just click the recycle bin icon next to the annotation record.

05. Click the Notes tab.

The Notes tab allows the user to register comments about the activity execution. These comments will be stored in the request history.

06. Click the Attachments tab.

The Attachments tab allows the user to attach any document type existing in platform to the request or upload new files. You can also delete existing attachments or post the attached documents by upload in platform. The execution of these actions depends on the attachment security definition configured for the process. The Attachments in Request function presents information with details about this activity.

07. Click the Process tab.

The Process tab allows you to view the flowchart of a process, making it easy to identify the current activity and check the forward and backward flows.

08. In the Decision area, select an option in the Send to activity field.

The activities that exist in the selection box are the forward or backward activities that are configured for the activity in question.

09. In the Decision area, select an option in the field with the user.

The chosen user will be the person responsible for the activity chosen in the "Send to activity" field. There are situations when this option will not appear, this occurs when the activity chosen in the "Send to activity" field has some assignment condition that does not need to select the user, such as a POOL assignment mechanism for Group or Role or a joint activity for all users.

You can also search for the desired user by entering the name in the Search field.

10. Click Send.

Clicking the Send button, the request will be moved to the next activity chosen in the "Send to activity" field.

You can also click the Save button; however, that way the request remains in the current activity, only saving data entered.


This documentation is valid from update 1.5.10 on. If you use an earlier version, it may contain information different from what you see in your platform.