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Speaking of Lists...

Lists are dynamic tables, one table is composed by one or more fields, so a LIST is a customized table aiming at storing several data types. They are also used to store data of forms created by new process requests or by a form creation through its definition that is published in the Documents area.

Access lists

01. In the main menu, click Control Panel, then check Customization container and click Lists.

Add list

01. In the Lists feature, check the Add option, located at the functions bar.

02. Click the Add option.

03. Enter a name for the list that will be created.

04. Enter a description.

The description is used to indicate what record types will be stored in this new list.

E.g.: Description: "This list is used to store all company phone extensions".

05. To add new fields, click the Add option.

06. On the New Column screen, enter the name of a list field.

07. Select if you want to use the field as label; thus, its content will be displayed in a Metalist type field.

It may occur that no field is defined as label, so the field with the register identification value will be displayed (ID field).

08. Select the new field type.

Text: Use when the value is a text.
E.g.: Name, address, telephone, among others. This type accepts any character, such as letters, numbers and special characters (!@#$¨&*), being limited to a maximum of 50 characters. The spaces between words are also counted as characters.

Text area: Use when the value is a long text.
E.g.: Descriptions, comments, among others. This type accepts any character, such as letters, numbers and special characters (!@#$¨&*), being limited to a maximum of 250 characters. The spaces between words are also counted as characters.

Integer: Use when the value is an integer number.
E.g.: Age, house number, among others. This type only accepts numbers, not allowing letters, dots (.), commas (,) and any other special characters, being limited to a maximum of 10 characters.

Numeric: Use when the value is a numeric value containing decimals.
E.g.: Monetary amount, quantity of a product, among others. This type accepts only numbers and a comma (,), the other characters are not allowed, being limited to a maximum of 9 characters or 8 plus comma.

Date: Use when the value is a date.
E.g.: Date of birth, hiring date, among others. This type accepts only date, when a date type field is shown on the screen, it also shows a calendar so you can choose the date. This is the only way of entering a value for this field type.

List Goal: Use when the value is in the second list, a foreign list.
E.g.: State, sex, marital status, among others. This field is shown on the screen as a checkbox with values contained in the foreign list selected. The checkbox values displayed are the fields checked as foreign list labels. If no field is checked as a label, the value displayed in the checkbox will be the register identifier number (ID).

09. Click Confirm on the New Column screen.

10. To edit fields when creating a list, if you need to change something in a field already created, follow the next steps. If you do not want to change anything, go to item 15.

11. Select the desired field.

Only one field can be changed at a time. 

12. Click Edit.

13. Make the relevant changes. See steps 07, 08, and 09.

14. Click Confirm on the Edit Column screen.

15. To remove fields when creating a list.

16. If you need to remove a field already created, follow the next steps. If you do not want to delete anything, go to item 19.

17. Select the fields you want to delete.

18. Click Remove.

19. After finishing, click Confirm on the New List screen.

Edit list

01. In the Lists feature, check the Edit option, located at the functions bar.

02. Click on the list you want to edit.

03. Click Edit.

Only one list can be changed at a time.

04. If necessary, enter a new name for the list.

05. If necessary, enter a new description.

06. Add new fields.

07. Click the Add option.

08. On the New Column screen, enter the name of a list field.

09. Select if you want to use the field as label; thus, its content will be displayed in a Metalist type field.

It may occur that no field is defined as label, so the field with the register identification value will be displayed (ID field).

10. Select the input type expected for the new field.

Text: Use when the value is a text.
E.g.: Name, address, telephone, among others. This type accepts any character, such as letters, numbers and special characters (!@#$¨&*), being limited to a maximum of 50 characters. The spaces between words are also counted as characters.

Text area: Use when the value is a long text.
E.g.: Descriptions, comments, among others. This type accepts any character, such as letters, numbers and special characters (!@#$¨&*), being limited to a maximum of 250 characters. The spaces between words are also counted as characters.

Integer: Use when the value is an integer number.
E.g.: Age, house number, among others. This type only accepts numbers, not allowing letters, dots (.), commas (,) and any other special characters, being limited to a maximum of 10 characters.

Numeric: Use when the value is a numeric value containing decimals.
E.g.: Monetary amount, quantity of a product, among others. This type accepts only numbers and a comma (,), the other characters are not allowed, being limited to a maximum of 9 characters or 8 plus comma.

Date: Use when the value is a date.
E.g.: Date of birth, hiring date, among others. This type accepts only date, when a date type field is shown on the screen, it also shows a calendar so you can choose the date. This is the only way of entering a value for this field type.

List Goal: Use when the value is in the second list, a foreign list.
E.g.: State, sex, marital status, among others. This field is shown on the screen as a checkbox with values contained in the foreign list selected. The checkbox values displayed are the fields checked as foreign list labels. If no field is checked as a label, the value displayed in the checkbox will be the register identifier number (ID).

11. Click Confirm on the New Column screen.

12. Edit fields.

13. If it is necessary to change something in a field, you should follow the next steps. If you do not want to make any changes, go to item.

14. Select the desired field.

Only one field can be changed at a time.

15. Click Edit.

The Edit option for a field previously created has some restrictions, such as: the name and field type cannot be changed. The options available for changes are Label and Disable Column.

16. Check or uncheck the Label option.

17. Check or uncheck the Disable option.

18. Click Confirm on the Edit Column screen.

19. Remove fields from a list.

20. If you need to remove a field already created, follow the next steps. If you do not want to delete anything, go to item 23.

This action is irreversible, so this operation is recommended only for the system administrator. 

21. Select the desired fields.

22. Click Remove.

23. After finishing, click Confirm on the New List screen.

Delete list

01. In the Lists feature, check the Remove option located in the functions bar.

02. Check the list you want to delete.

03. Click Delete.

Export list

01. In the Lists feature, check the Export option, located at the functions bar.

02. Select the list you want to export.

03. Click Export.

04. On the Exporting the List screen, choose the export type.

Definition (Only list fields): It generates an XML file only with the list fields selected, the existing records are not exported. The XML file generated from the export can be saved in a directory chosen by the user.

Data (All list fields and data): It generates an XML file with the fields and records of the list that has been selected. The XML file generated from the export can be saved in a directory chosen by the user.

05. Click Confirm on the Exporting the List screen.

06. Choose the target location for the XML file.

Import list

01. In the Lists feature, check the Import option, located at the functions bar.

02. Click Import.

03. On the Importing the List screen, choose the import type.

Definition (Only list fields): It creates a new list only with the fields of the list contained in the XML file, and even if the records exist, they are not imported.

Data (All list fields and data): It creates a new list with the fields and records of the list contained in the XML file.

04. Click Choose File and find the XML of the desired list.

05. Click Confirm on the Importing the List screen.

Read the data on a list

To read the data on a list via code, the following REST methods can be used:

  • <domínio>/ecm/api/rest/ecm/metaList/findAllListPaginator
  • <domínio>/ecm/api/rest/ecm/metaList/findAllList
  • <domínio>/ecm/api/rest/ecm/metaList/findListById/25

For more technical information, see Fluig API.

Please note!

This documentation is valid from the 1.7.0 update - Lake. If you use a previous update, it may contain information different from what you see on your platform.