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Speaking of template classes ...

Template classes aim to optimize the work of teachers. Topic and topic items (content, activities, evaluations, among others) are registered on them and all changes made in the template class are transferred to the classes that use them as a base.

It is possible to use template and independent classes in a single subject, that is, the teacher can follow and use the model proposed by the institution in some classes and create an independent class organizing the contents and evaluations for other classes as he/she likes.

Template class use examples:

When a teacher teaches the same subject in four classes, they can use a template class, so that all changes made in the template class are transferred to the classes that are based on this template without having the need to make changes in each class;

 The institution defines a content and evaluation template that all teachers from that subject need to follow, then the institution registers a template class and each teacher's class follows the template class proposal. All modifications in content and evaluations may only be performed in the template class and, automatically, are transferred to all the classes that follow the template.

It is possible to create multiple template classes for the same subject as well as deactivate topics and topic items of template classes. Changes in topics and topic items occurs in the same way as in independent classes and are transferred to the classes that follow the template.

Even with students studying the subject in a class, it is possible to include a template class for it, change the model class it uses or delete the template class and use its own topics.


It is important to note that when including, changing or deleting the template class, students who were using the current topic structure lose the progress on these items, and it is necessary to run new topics that will enter into force in the class due to these changes.


Basic Path


01. After clicking NewTemplate class in the subject in which to create the template class, enter the requested information in the General information tab.

Required information:

Name of the template class.

Display topics and inactive topic items in the catalog
When checked, it determines that the topics and topic items are presented in the catalog even after being inactivated. They are not presented to the students of the class.

02. Click on the Security tab.

03. Define whether the template class should inherit the permissions of the subject to which it belongs.

The available options are:

Inherits permissions
When selected, it determines that the permissions and restrictions assigned to the template class will be the same as the subject it belongs to. Even when the template class inherits the permissions, it is possible to set other permissions or restrictions specific to it, in addition to those already inherited.

Does not inherit permissions
When selected, it determines that the permissions and restrictions of the subject are not assigned to the template class.

04. Under Permissions, click Add to set the access permissions to the template class, if desired.

05. Add the user name, user group, class or subject to which permissions will be defined.

06. In the displayed list, select the user, user group, class or discipline to which you wish to assign permissions.

07. In the Level table, select the option that determines the permission level to be assigned to the selected item.

The available options are:
For detailed information regarding each permission option, go to Catalog Permissions and Restrictions.

08. Click on Add.

Users can add more than one item. When you are finished, close the window to continue the inclusion of the class.

To change an item’s permissions, select the item and click Edit.

To delete an item’s permissions, select the item and click Delete.

09. Click Restrictions.

10. Click Add to include template class access restrictions, if desired.

11. Enter the user name, user group, class or subject to which you wish to assign restrictions.

12. In the displayed listing, select the user, user group, class or subject that you wish to assign restrictions.

13. In the Level table, select the option that determines the level of restriction assigned to the selected item.

The available options are:
For detailed information regarding each restriction option, go to Catalog Permissions and Restrictions.

14. Click on Add.

Users can add more than one item. When you are finished, close the window to continue the inclusion of the class.

To change an item’s restrictions, select the item and click Edit.

To delete an item’s restrictions, select the item and click Delete.

15. Click Save; or Cancel to quit the creation of the template class, if desired.


Alternative Paths


Edit template class

Only users that have, at least, modification permission on the template class are allowed to perform this action.

01. In the catalog, access the subject to which the template class belongs.

To access the subject, just find it in the catalog and click its name.

02. In the Classes area, find the template class to be edited and click Edit, located in the lower-right corner of the table corresponding to the class.

03. Change the information of your choice. 

Information about the displayed fields can be obtained from the basic path.

04. Click Save; or Cancel to discard the changes made, if desired.


Copy template class

Only users that have, at least, writing permission on the destination subject are allowed to perform this action.

01. In the catalog, access the subject to which the template class belongs.

To access the subject, just find it in the catalog and click its name.

02. In the Classes area, find the template class to be copied and click Copy, located in the lower-right corner of the table corresponding to the class.

03. In Item destination, click Search.

04. In the Target items window, enter the name of the location in which the template class will be copied.

05. In the list displayed, select the target location of the template class copy.

06. Click Add and close the window.

07. Click Copy.

When pressing this option, the template class copy is created in the defined location.


Delete template class

Only users that have, at least, deletion permission on the subject to which the template class belongs are allowed to perform this action.

01. In the catalog, access the subject to which the template class belongs.

To access the subject, just find it in the catalog and click its name.

02. In the Classes area, find the template class to be deleted and click Delete, located in the lower-right corner of the table corresponding to the class.

03. In the message displayed, click Yes to confirm the deletion of the template class or No to quit the action, if desired.


Create topic for template class

Only users that have, at least, writing permission on the template class are allowed to perform this action.

01. Access the template class for which the topic will be created.

To access the subject, just find it in the catalog and click its name.

02. In the Topics and topic items area of the template class, click New topic.

When pressing this option, the window to add topics is displayed. More information on available actions can be found in Topic.


Please note!

This documentation is valid as of the 1.5.11 update. If you use a previous update, it may contain different information than what you see on your platform.



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