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Speaking of Configure Activities and Flows...

In this configuration of activities and flows, you define the main information to be considered during a process request. So you need to define the information with attention; thus, guaranteeing correct process functioning.

You can define the layout of activities, subprocesses, automatic activities and other elements for a better view and understanding of the whole process. When defining mechanisms for allocation of items of the process, it only displays the types of mechanism that can be used depending on the type of activity. For Start type activities, for example, the mechanisms "To a group" and "To a role" are not displayed as an option, as these types cannot be used in this type of activity.

In the configuration screen side menu, the elements available for creating the process are displayed: Start, End, Activity, Automatic, Document, Note, Swimlane, Subprocess, Fork and Join. The access to the process configuration screen is also available in the Properties item.

Another way to add elements is through the menu available when the mouse is moved over a certain element. When this feature is used, the flow (or association if the element selected is a Document or Note) between two elements is also created.

It is also possible to export the process documentation, generating a document with information referring to the process and its activities or the process flow image.


Basics Paths

Configure Start

01. Drag the Start element from the side menu to a location in the process flow modeling area

The Start element is the initial activity of a process and indicates where the flow starts. When a new process request is started, it will be the first activity to be performed.

02. Place the mouse on the element and click Configure, represented by a gear

To delete the element from the process diagram, simply click Delete, represented by a bin.

03.  In the General tab, define the required information.

Description of the initial activity of the process.

Instructions that make it easy to understand the activity in the process. When preparing the instructions of an activity, it is common to need to search for information from other files or websites. There is the concept of hyperlinks, which allow adding access to both fluig documents and Internet addresses via external documents, avoiding replication of information and making it easier to browse. To do this, add the tag [WD:999999], replacing 999999 by the document code in document browsing.

Working Hours
Working hours to which the start will be associated. Working hours are registered on the platform and are used for calculation of deadlines and delays for process activities. For example, if the working hours were configured as being from Monday to Friday, from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., and there is an activity that lasts 1 hour and was created at 5:30 p.m. on Tuesday, its completion deadline will be Wednesday at 8:30 a.m., due to the working hours.

Assignment mechanism
The way how users will be selected to perform the start activity. It only displays the types of assignment mechanism that can be used in Start activities. When an assignment mechanism is selected for a Start activity, only users returned by the mechanism can start a process request. Available mechanisms:

  • Assignment by association: when selected, the users that can perform this activity are the ones returned from the combination of group, role and/or specific user;
  • Assignment by group: when selected, the ones that can perform this activity are all the users who belong to a group;
  • Assignment by role: when selected, the ones that can perform this activity are all the users who belong to a role;
  • Assignment by user: when selected, a specific user can perform this activity. 

Completion deadline

  • By fixed value: Deadline to complete a task. The hourly value is considered, along with the selected working hours, to calculate the deadline for finishing the activity. This deadline is counted as of the activity’s receipt.
  • By form field: When selected, allows choosing a form field that will define a deadline for the task whose property is being changed.

Values valid for the field:

  • 999:99 = Default format

It will follow the same logic of the fixed value, considering the working hours and holidays applicable to the user in charge.

For the other values, use the following formats:

  • 9999-99-99 = year, month and day;
  • 9999-99-99 99:99 = year, month, day, hour and minute;
  • 99/99/9999 = year, month and day;
  • 99/99/9999 99:99 = year, month, day, hour and minute;
  • 9999999999 = date in milliseconds.

Working hours and holidays will not be considered, exactly as specified.

We will not consider expedients and holidays, following exactly what is informed.

Request digital signature
When checked, digital signature will be required to complete the activity.

Confirm password
When checked, the user needs to enter their password to complete the task. If this option is already checked in the process configuration, it will come disabled. When sending the activity that requires password confirmation to the next one, the user who is performing the task has to enter their password. If the password is invalid, the activity performer can try as many times as necessary. The process will only be moved when the performer user enters their password correctly. The process history will indicate that the user has confirmed their password when moving the activity in the request. Please note: the activities checked for password confirmation use cannot be automated by WebServices.

Inhibits Transfer option
When checked, the activity cannot be transferred for another user to perform it.

Joint activity
When checked, the activity should be performed by more than one user. By doing so, the activity will only be considered completed and the request moved when % of the entered consensus is reached.

% Consensus
Percentage of consensus required to consider the activity as completed. This field is enabled only when the option Joint activity is checked.

Selects collaborators
Frequency at which it is necessary to select the user to assign this activity when moving the request. Available options:

  • Always: when checked, it is always necessary to select the user to be assigned this activity when moving the request;
  • When there is more than one option: when selected, only when there is more than one user listed is it necessary to select which user must be assigned the activity when moving the request;
  • Never (valid for joint activities only): when selected, this activity will be assigned to all users listed by the defined assignment mechanism. When selecting this option, the Joint activity field is automatically checked, and you are also required to enter the % Consensus.

04. If a mechanism is selected, click Configure, located next to the Assignment mechanism field, and define the information for it.

For information on assignment mechanism settings, see Configure assignment mechanism.

05. Click the Mobile tab.

06. Define the required information

Required fields:

Define a name for the request title, or choose a form field. Default: Description of the process.

Define a form field to fill it. The field should be the highlight and should not be too long. Default: Activity name.

Define a text for a preview description of the request and/or choose form fields. The information that exceeds the limit is available in the request. Default: Instruction about the activity and process + Identifier.

Available actions:

Select ‘Disable’ or ‘Problem solved’.

Select ‘Disable’ or ‘Problem solved’.

07. Click the Monitoring tab.

08. Define the required information

Required information:

Notify person in charge
When checked, the person in charge of the activity will be notified of its start by e-mail.

Notify requisitioner
When checked, the requisitioner of the request will be notified of the start of that activity by e-mail.

Notify manager
When checked, the manager of the process will be notified of the start of that activity by e-mail.

09. Click the Delay tab.

10. Define the required information

Required information:

Notify person in charge
When checked, the person in charge of the activity will be notified by e-mail if it is late.

Time during which the platform will wait, after the deadline for the activity expires, to start sending the e-mail notifying the person in charge, requisitioner or manager of the delay, according to the checked options.

Time interval between the e-mails that are sent to notify the person in charge, requisitioner or manager of the delay, according to the checked options.

Expiration notification
Time prior to the expiration of the task when the e-mail will be sent to notify the person in charge, requisitioner or manager (according to the checked options) that the task is about to expire.

Notify requisitioner
When checked, the requisitioner of the request will be notified by e-mail when that activity is late.

Notify manager
When checked, the manager of the process will be notified by e-mail when that activity is late.

11. Click the Effort tab.

12. Define the required information

Required information:

How to calculate activity effort. Available options:

  • Do not control effort: when selected, the effort is not controlled.
  • Based on estimated effort: when selected, the estimated effort is considered for the calculation. This value comes from the Expected Effort field.
  • Based on time sheets: when selected, the effort entered on the time sheet must be considered. In this situation, to finish the task, the user must enter the number of hours spent working on the activity.
  • Based on completion time: when selected, completion time is considered as activity effort. Completion time is the time that the user has to complete the activity, considering the working hours and holidays.

Expected effort
Number of hours expected for performing the activity. It is not necessary to enter this effort when it was set that it would not be controlled.

13. After finishing configuring the start settings, click Confirm.


Configure End


01. Drag the End element from the side menu to the desired place in the process design area.

The End element indicates the process flow end. All processes must have at least one end.

02. Place the mouse on the element and click Configure, represented by a gear.

To delete the element from the process diagram, simply click Delete, represented by a bin.

03. Define the required information

Required information:

Name to be assigned to the end of the process.

Notify requisitioner
When checked, the requisitioner of the request will be notified of the end of the request by e-mail.

Notify manager
When checked, the manager of the activity will be notified of the end of the request by e-mail.

04. Click Confirm.

Configure Activity

01. Drag the Activity element from the side menu to a location in the process flow modeling area.

The activity is a task or action to be performed within the process flow. 

02. Place the mouse on the element and click Configure, represented by a gear.

To delete the element from the process diagram, simply click Delete, represented by a bin.

03. In the General tab, define the required information.

Required information:

Description of the activity to comprise the process.

Instructions that make it easy to understand the activity in the process. When preparing the instructions of an activity, it is common to need to search for information from other files or websites. There is the concept of hyperlinks, which allow adding access to both fluig documents and Internet addresses via external documents, avoiding replication of information and making it easier to browse. To do this, add the tag [WD:999999], replacing 999999 by the document code in document browsing.

Working Hours
Working hours to which the activity will be associated. Working hours are registered on the platform and are used for calculation of deadlines and delays for process activities. For example, if the working hours were configured as being from Monday to Friday, from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., and there is an activity that lasts 1 hour and was created at 5:30 p.m. on Tuesday, its completion deadline will be Wednesday at 8:30 a.m., due to the working hours.

Assignment mechanism
The way how users will be selected to perform the activity. It only displays the types of assignment mechanism that can be used in regular activities. Available mechanisms:

  • Assignment by association: when selected, the users that can perform this activity (the ones returned from the combination of several assignment mechanisms) are displayed for selection;
  • Assignment by form field: when selected, the activity is assigned to the user that is entered in a field on the form associated to the process;
  • Assignment by activity performer: when selected, the activity is assigned to the performer of a previous activity of the process;
  • Assignment by group: when selected, the users that can perform this activity (all users belonging to a group) are displayed for selection;
  • Assignment by collaborator group: when selected, the users that can perform this activity (the ones belonging to the same groups as the authenticated user or the user who started the request, as configured in the mechanism) are displayed for selection;
  • Assignment by role: when selected, the users that can perform this activity (all users belonging to a role) are displayed for selection;
  • Assignment for a group: when selected, the activity is assigned to a pool of resources, containing the users belonging to the group. In this case, any user from the group can be assigned the activity;
  • Assignment to a role: when selected, the activity is assigned to a  pool of resources, containing the users belonging to the role. In this case, any user assigned to the role can be assigned the activity;
  • Assignment by user: when selected, the activity is assigned to a specific user.

Completion deadline

  • By fixed value: Deadline to complete a task. The hourly value is considered, along with the selected working hours, to calculate the deadline for finishing the activity. This deadline is counted as of the activity’s receipt.
  • By form field: When selected, allows choosing a form field that will define a deadline for the task whose property is being changed.

Values valid for the field:

  • 999:99 = Standard format.

It will follow the same logic of the fixed value, considering the working hours and holidays applicable to the user in charge.

For the other values, use the following formats:

  • 9999-99-99 = year, month and day;
  • 9999-99-99 99:99 = year, month, day, hour and minute;
  • 99/99/9999 = year, month and day;
  • 99/99/9999 99:99 = year, month, day, hour and minute;
  • 9999999999 = date in milliseconds.

Working hours and holidays will not be considered, exactly as specified

Request digital signature
When checked, such activity must be digitally signed by its performer user. In this case, upon completion of the activity, it displays a window where the performer user needs to add their digital signature and, only then, can the request be sent to the next activity.

Confirm password
When checked, the user needs to enter their password to finish the activity. If this option is already checked in the process configuration, it will come disabled. When sending the activity that requires password confirmation to the next one, the user who is performing the task has to enter their password. If the password is invalid, the activity performer can try as many times as necessary. The process will only be moved when the performer user enters their password correctly. The process history will indicate that the user has confirmed their password when moving the activity in the request. Please note: the activities checked for password confirmation use cannot be automated by WebServices.

Inhibits Transfer option
When checked, the activity cannot be transferred for another user to perform it.

Joint activity
When checked, the activity should be performed by more than one user. By doing so, the activity will only be considered completed and the request moved when % of the entered consensus is reached.

% Consensus
Percentage of consensus required to consider the activity as completed. This field is enabled only when the option Joint activity is checked.

Selects collaborators
Frequency at which it is necessary to select the user to assign this activity when moving the request. Available options:

  • Always: when checked, it is always necessary to select the user to be assigned this activity when moving the request;
  • When there is more than one option: when selected, only when there is more than one user listed is it necessary to select which user must be assigned the activity when moving the request;

Never (valid for joint activities only): when selected, this activity will be assigned to all users listed by the defined assignment mechanism. When selecting this option, the Joint activity field is automatically checked, and you are also required to enter the % Consensus.

04. If a mechanism is selected, click Configure, located next to the Assignment mechanism field, and define the information for it.

For information on assignment mechanism settings, see Configure assignment mechanism.

05. Go to the Monitoring tab.

06. Define the required information

Required information:

Notify person in charge When checked, the person in charge of the activity will be notified of its start by e-mail.

Notify requisitioner When checked, the requisitioner of the request will be notified of the start of that activity by e-mail.

Notify manager When checked, the manager of the process will be notified of the start of that activity by e-mail.

07. Click the Delay tab

08Define the required information

Required information:

Notify person in charge

When checked, the person in charge of the activity will be notified by e-mail if it is late. 

Time during which the platform will wait, after the deadline for the activity expires, to start sending the e-mail notifying the person in charge, requisitioner or manager of the delay, according to the checked options.

Time interval between the e-mails that are sent to notify the person in charge, requisitioner or manager of the delay, according to the checked options.

Expiration notification
Time prior to the expiration of the task when the e-mail will be sent to notify the person in charge, requisitioner or manager (according to the checked options) that the task is about to expire.

Notify requisitioner When checked, the requisitioner of the request will be notified by e-mail when that activity is late.

Notify manager When checked, the manager of the process will be notified by e-mail when that activity is late.

09Click the Effort tab

10Define the required information

Required information:


How to calculate activity effort. Available options: 

  • Do not control effort: when selected, the effort is not controlled.
  • Based on estimated effort: when selected, the estimated effort is considered for the calculation. This value comes from the Expected Effort field.
  • Based on time sheets: when selected, the effort entered on the timesheet must be considered. In this situation, to finish the task, the user must enter the number of hours spent working on the activity.
  • Based on completion time: when selected, completion time is considered as activity effort. Completion time is the time that the user has to complete the activity, considering the working hours and holidays.

Expected effort
Number of hours expected for performing the activity. It is not necessary to enter this effort when it was set that it would not be controlled.

11. After finishing configuring the activity, click Confirm.


Configure Automatic activity

The default flow indicates an automatic activity action, which happens when none of the defined conditions is met. For more details, go to Flows.


01. Drag the Automatic element from the side menu to a location in the process flow modeling area.

The automatic activity is a mechanism that, depending on the obtained result, establishes to which activity, among the possible ones, the process flow should be sent.

02. Place the mouse on the element and click Configure, represented by a gear.

To delete the element from the process diagram, simply click Delete, represented by a bin.

03. In the General tab, enter a name for the automatic activity.

04. Go to the Conditions tab.

In this tab, enter the conditions for the activity to be automatic. The condition should be entered as well as the target activity of this condition and the assignment mechanism, this last one being optional.

Please note!

The automatic activity output flows should already be defined so it will be possible to configure their conditions. If a condition is not entered, the platform will assume this condition to be “false”.

05. Click Add

Please note!

Conditions will be executed based on the order they were added, so the request will be moved to the activity defined in the first true condition found.

You can also edit an existing condition by clicking Edit or delete an existing condition by clicking Delete

06. Define the required information.

Logic expression to be considered in the automatic activity condition. Logic expressions can have the format of any logic expression used in the JavaScript language. The return of these expressions must be a logic value.

Please note!

Only configure the expressions for an automatic activity after registering the activity flow of the process.

Target activity
Activity to which the request is moved when the logic expression in question is true.

How users are selected to perform the target activity. It only displays the types of assignment mechanism that can be used in Automatic activities. The configuration of an assignment mechanism for a condition is optional. If an assignment mechanism is selected, it will be used along with the target activity assignment mechanism to define the person responsible for the activity by returning a group of common users between the two assignment mechanisms. If an assignment mechanism is not selected, only the target activity assignment mechanism will be used. Available mechanisms:

  • Assignment by association: when selected, the users that can perform the target activity (the ones returned from the combination of several assignment mechanisms) are displayed for selection;
  • Assignment by form field: when selected, the target activity is assigned to the user that is entered in a field on the form associated to the process;
  • Assignment by activity performer: when selected, the target activity is assigned to the performer of a given previous activity of the process;
  • Assignment by group: when selected, the users that can perform the target activity (all users belonging to a group) are displayed for selection;
  • Assignment by collaborator group: when selected, the users that can perform the target activity (the ones belonging to the same groups as the authenticated user or the user who started the request, as configured in the mechanism) are displayed for selection;
  • Assignment by role: when selected, the users that can perform the target activity (all users belonging to a role) are displayed for selection;
  • Assignment for a group: when selected, the target activity is assigned to a pool of resources, containing the users belonging to the group. In this case, any user from the group can be assigned the activity;
  • Assignment to a role: when selected, the activity is assigned to a  pool of resources, containing the users belonging to the role. In this case, any user assigned to the role can be assigned the activity;
  • Assignment by user: when selected, the activity is assigned to a specific user.

07. If a mechanism is selected, click Configure, located next to the Assignment mechanism field, and define the information for it.

For information on assignment mechanism settings, see Configure assignment mechanism.

08. After finishing configuring the assignment mechanism, click Confirm in the Condition window.

09. Add as many conditions as you wish, configure them and click Confirm.

Configure Document

01. Drag the Document element from the side menu to a location in the process flow modeling area.

The Document element is used for providing access to a certain document posted on the platform from the process diagram.

02. Place the mouse on the element and click Configure, represented by a gear.

To delete the element from the process diagram, simply click Delete, represented by a bin.

03. Select a document.

To select a document, simply click the magnifying glass icon below the Document field. In the pop-up window, find the document, select it and click Select.

04. Click Confirm.


Configure Note


01. Drag the Note element from the side menu to a location in the process flow modeling area.

The Note element is used to provide additional information in the process diagram.

02. Place the mouse on the element and click Configure, represented by a gear.

When adding the note in the modeling area, it displays a text box where it is possible to enter the text corresponding to the note.

To delete the element from the process diagram, simply click Delete, represented by a bin.

03. Defining notes.

Name of the note.

Text that corresponds to the note.

04. Click Confirm.


Configure Swinlane


01. Drag the Swimlane element from the side menu to a location in the process flow modeling area.

The Swimlane element is used to visually represent a process flow participating entity. So it is possible to organize the activities based on the entity responsible for performing them, making it easy to view and understand the process flow.

02. Place the mouse on the element and click Configure, represented by a gear.


To delete the element from the process diagram, simply click Delete, represented by a bin.

03. Define the required information.


Name of the Swimlane to represent a participating entity in the process flow.

Choose a color for the swimlane.

04. Click Confirm.

Configure Subprocess


01. Drag the Subprocess element from the side menu to a location in the process flow modeling area.

The Subprocess element represents other processes that are part of a main process.

02. Place the mouse on the element and click Configure, represented by a gear.

To delete the element from the process diagram, simply click Delete, represented by a bin.

03. Define the required information for the subprocess of the General tab.

Name to be assigned to the subprocess within the process being modeled.

Description to be assigned to the subprocess within the process being modeled.

Subprocess to be added within the process being modeled. Any process on the platform can be used as a subprocess. When the request is moved to the subprocess, the main process request is ended and a new subprocess request is created. If the movement flow allows return, when the main process request is moved to the subprocess, a new request for the subprocess is created and the main process request will be blocked until the end of the subprocess request. As soon the subprocess request ends, the main process request is moved to the activity previous to the subprocess to continue its execution.

Transfers Attachments
When checked, all attachments to the main process request will be copied to the new request that will be created for the subprocess in question.

Cancellation along with main request
When checked, if the main request is canceled, so will the subprocess request. However, the other way around is not true, i.e. if the subprocess request is canceled, the main one is not.

Move to the next activity
When checked, it will be possible to start the subprocess request immediately when moving the request - without the need to access Task Central to do that. That is, when the request is moved to the subprocess, it displays the first activity of the subprocess for selection (or the first activities, if the subprocess flow is alternate), and it is also possible to define the person responsible for the selected activity.

04. Define the required information for the subprocess of the Fields tab.

This tab allows the user to configure the submission of values in form fields between a process and a subprocess. Thus establishing the fields that come from the parent process and go to the child process, and from the child process going to the parent process. Both parent and child processes should have a created form so that the sending of values and their respective directions can be set.
This allows the user to transfer information between parent and child processes in a simple and transparent way.

Here is an example of the directions that indicate source and destination of the information:

1st transfer the value from the parent field (source) to the child field (destination): Name-> User name.
2nd transfer the value from the child field (source) to the parent field (destination): Name<- User name.
3rd transfer and return the value of the field (both transfer the value from one to the other): Name<-> User name.

Information from the columns:

Process fields
Fields to be used from the form created in the parent process. Select a field from the parent form to relate the fields.

Direction that indicates the information flow between the process and sub-process fields. When clicking it, it changes the source and destination of the relationship with the fields.

Subprocess fields
Fields to be used from the form created in the child process. Select a field from the child form to relate the fields.

Indicates the confirmation that the new relationship between the process and subprocess fields was created.

The New button allows adding new sending of values between process and subprocess. It is also possible to Edit or Delete a field relationship via the icons located in the right corner of the tab. The system does not allow relating two process fields with the same direction

05. Click Confirm.














This documentation is valid from update 1.5.10 on. If you use an earlier version, it may contain information different from what you see in your platform.



For information on assignment mechanism settings, see Configure assignment mechanism. 

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