The purpose of this integration is to exchange sales and production data between Microsiga Protheus and S&OP Neogrid real time.

S&OP means Sales Planning and Operations, which is an acronym for Sales and Operations Planning. This is a planning process that involves all areas of the productive chain of the company, aiming at improving production efficiency, distribution and sales to final consumer.

The purpose of S&OP Neogrid is to integrate the companies involved in this process, from raw material producer to final distributor, creating a single sales planning and operations process from demand, next to being collaborative between areas of the company, to avoid surplus and lack of products.

From company history data, planning is dimensioned to supply the market according to demand, avoiding stock above or below needs - which can cause high obsolescence levels of products, high production reprogramming costs, high rate of urgent freights, reducing profit margin and customer insatisfaction.

For the integration, two routines were created:

FATA800 - Initial Load for S&OP Neogrid

FATA801 - Periodic Export for S&OP Neogrid

Some parameters were also created:

  • MV_FATSOPD - defines the entity generating the Dimension of Demand 1 to S&OP Neogrid.
  • MV_FATSOPP - patch where export files are generated to S&OP Neogrid.