Páginas filhas
  • Magnetic Media - Dominican Republic (CTBA950 - SIGACTB)

This routine generates an electronic file in .txt format, with information on the registered ISR (Income Tax) withholdings based on technical specifications established by DGII (Dirección General de Impuestos Internos).

The withholdings are deductions made by the Withholding Agents from salaries, commissions and other payments whose value is laid down by Law, Regulations or Rules issued by Tax Authority.

Legal Grounds

 Tax Code, Law 11-92, d/f 16/05/92, modified by Law 557-05 d/f 13/12/05, Law 172-07 d/f 17/07/07, Law 182-09 d/f 15/07/09.


  • To generate the tax file, you must register the table of Code of Withholding Concepts - CCR and have the file of Withholdings-SFE, all listed by concepts and their withholding agents.
  • To generate the magnetic file, refer to the resolution in the portal http://www.dgii.gov.do/Paginas/Index.aspx, Dirección Regional de Impuestos Internos.


Generating the magnetic media:

  1. By selecting Magnetic Media, the system displays a screen with the routine objective.
  2. Click Parameters.
  3. Enter the parameters according to field help instructions.

In the Folder parameter, enter the Normative Instruction ISR623.ini.


Select the Normative Instruction ISR609 to generate the electronic file in .txt format with information on ISR (Income Tax) withholdings in the concept of Payments or Remittance sent to Other Countries.

  1. Check data and confirm them.
  2. Enter the year and month of the file to be generated.
  3. Click Finish.