Páginas filhas
  • Remodeling the record (LOG) of Migration of Release/Version


Microsiga Protheus



Step by Step:

The LOG table of Migration of Version/Release records several types of events occurred during the process of migration. (Migration of version via MP710TO120 or Migration of Release in the version 12 via UPDDISTR).

The log can be accessed at the end of the migration process or when resuming the process after validation or failure.

A remodeling of table and query tool was executed making the task to query altered data or the verification of inconsistencies in the process easier and more productive.

We highlight the main changes:

  • Transfer of MPUPDLOG table to the SQL database in environments with SQL database
  • Better performance of insertion in relation to the CTREE table
  • Creation of new non-textual fields (columns) enabling an easier, faster and safer filter of data (dictionary, severity, key, attribute, release of departure, release of arrival)
  • Creation of a new severity column. Severity is calculated in a different way for each field, dictionary and content updated.
  • Creation of indexes for the most important columns.
  • Creation of customized filters for the most common operations (per dictionary, today's date, per severity)
  • Creation of customized filters by using the LOG table fields
  • Remodeling of the view "browser", with a broader view area (size adjusted to resolution), larger font, description more representative of columns.
  • Printer of browser via TReport, with better reports. 

    Columns available in the LOG 




Column informing the level of impact of a given occurrence. The level of impact is calculated in a different way per type of occurrence, dictionary, altered column, previous data and current data. 


Date of occurrence. The date of Protheus applications server is considered


Schedule of occurrence in HH:MM:SS.mmm format (hour:minutes:seconds:milliseconds). The schedule of Protheus applications server is considered. Data imported of the former table of LOG does not have milliseconds


Classifier of operation executed. Example: Inclusion

Group of companies

Group of companies related to LOG generated


Code of task executed. Example: Task 05, updating of SX3 dictionary


Description in text format (not codified) of the action executed

Former Value

Content of attribute before update

New Value

Content of attribute after update


Table updated (dictionary). Example: SX3. Not available in data imported of former model LOG.

Table Description

Table description. Example: Data Dictionary. Not available in data imported of former model LOG.


Key that identifies the record. Example: A1_COD. Not available in data imported of former model LOG.


Propriety altered. Example: X3_VALID. Not available in data imported of former model LOG.

Attribute description

Propriety description (Example: Validation of System). Not available in data imported of former model LOG.

Release of entry

Release starting migration. Not available in data imported of former model LOG.

Release of arrival

Release object of migration. Not available in data imported of former model LOG.


Event code. Example: 073

Main features
Order and search by key (index).

Standard of the browses in Protheus system. When selecting key and Browse is ordered, you can search per content. 

Standard filters

Enables the selection of preset filters. There are several filters ready per severity, table and date. 

Note: Filters applying to the same column must not be used together. Example: you cannot apply filter of SX2 and SX3 tables at the same time. In this case, no data is displayed.

Customized filters

You can create specific filters using columns of the browse. In these filters, you can use expressions in ADVPL language.


Note: Filters applying to the same column must not be used together.

Note 2: Derived columns (description table or description attribute) are not available because they do not exist in the database. 

Enables the printing of the browse via TRreport. 


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