Article 1 - The yields mentioned in article 5, Law 9,779, dated January 19, 1999, concerning investments and operations held as of January 1, 2005, are subject to income taxation, at the following rates:

I - 22.5% (twenty two point five per cent), in investments expiring in up to a hundred eighty (180) days;

II - 20% (twenty per cent), in investments expiring in the period of hundred eighty-one (181) to three hundred sixty (360) days;

III - 17.5% (seventeen point five per cent), in investments expiring in the period of three hundred sixty-one (361) to seven hundred twenty (720) days;

IV - 15% (fifteen per cent), in investments expiring in over seven hundred twenty (720) days.

paragraph two: Regarding investment funds, it is considered:

I - yields are taxes every six months, based on article 3, Law 10,892, dated July 13, 2004, at the rate of fifteen per cent (15%); without prejudice to item III of the present paragraph;

III - as a consequence of redemption of quotas, it is applied complementary rate according to provisions in items I to IV of the caput of this article.

The parameter MV_BASECDI must be configured in order to identify how the currency rate is filed in the Currency File, to treat investments using CDI variation in yield calculation.  This parameter establishes how the CDI rate is registered, monthly or annually.


The form the rate is registered is extremely important for yield calculation for a CDI application, using the variation correctly.