Páginas filhas
  • Simulation (FINC021 - SIGAFIN)

With simulation resource it is possible to add more revenues or expenses and check the reflex of said changes in the Cash Flow.IF 


You can generate temporary bills with inbound or outbound values.


To perform simulations  in the Cash Flow:

1. In Cash Flow, click Simulations.

2. Fill in the data to be simulated, which means:

    • Revenue/Expense

Fill in with R for revenue and D for expense.


The system does not allow you to use the Edit option to change the option selected in Revenue/Expense, when incorrect. To correct it, delete this simulation and add the right one.

    • Date

Enter the date when simulation shall be performed.

    • Value

Enter revenue or expense value.

    • History

Enter a history for revenue or expense, if necessary.

    • Previous Value

Enter revenue or expense previous value.

3. Press [Down Arrow] to add more simulation lines.

Generating temporary bills:

  1. Click Simulation.
  2. Fill in desired data
  3. In Related Features, Click Generate.
  4. The screen to add bills is displayed with the filled-in data pre-registered.

Related Features

Save Simulation

It saves the simulation. Upon selecting it, a default Windows screen is opened to select the saving directory.

Place the cursor on the desired directory, enter a name for the file in the Filename area and confirm.

Restore Simulation

It restores a simulation file previously saved. Upon selecting it, a default Windows screen is opened to select the directory where the file was saved.

Place the cursor on the desired directory. All saved simulations are displayed on the right side, identified by the SIM extension.

Select the simulation and confirm. Save the simulation being performed at the moment.