Páginas filhas
  • Accounting of Monetary Variation (FINA350 - SIGAFIN)

When there are transactions in foreign currency in the Financial environment, the entries must be monetarily adjusted to calculate the difference between the issue date and the base date of pending bills in hard currency. This difference is the monetary variation, which must be entered in Accounting.

The system allows control of the monetary variation by Customer/Supplier in addition to individual control (by bill). Individual control allows reconciliation between the Subsidiary Ledger and the Ledger.

Through the configuration of the parameters, the currency rate can be changed to indexation:

  • Currency sales rate?
  • Currency acquisition rate?

Based on the rates entered, the system updates the fields Currency indexation rate (E1_TXMDCOR) and Currency indexation rate (E2_TXMDCOR) of tables in accounts receivable and payable, respectively, these values are used in the next monetary variation, establishing the initial value.

In addition to that, these values are used in the write-off routines of Accounts Payable and Accounts Receivable, that also calculate monetary variation for bills.


Consider the addition of a bill payable in the amount of $ 2,350.00 in currency 2, informing a conversion rate of 2.1400 in the field Currency rate  (E2_TXMOEDA) on March 20.

Monetary variation routine run on April 30, with the following conversion rate:

Acquisition: 2.0800

The rate entered is the one used in the conversion:

Indexation: $-141.00 {(2.0800-2.1400)*2,350.00}

Then, the acquisition rate of 2.0800 entered in the Accounting of Monetary Variation is saved in the field Currency Indexation Rate of the bill payable and used as base for the next monetary variation calculation.

On May 31, the monetary variation routine is executed with the following conversion rate:

Acquisition: 2.1300

The rate entered is the one used in the conversion:

Indexation:$117.50 {2.1300 - 2.0800)*2,350.00}

The system updates the field Currency Indexation Rate (E2_TXMDCOR) of the bill payable with the acquisition rate of 2.1300 that will serve as base for the next monetary variation calculation.


To account  monetary restatement:  

1. In the Accounting of Monetary Variation maintenance window, the routine's description screen is displayed.

2. Click Parameters.

The system displays the screen with the routine parameters.

3. Configure the parameters according to the field's help instructions.

4. Observe the following parameter:

Account by?

This parameter defines if monetary variation will be by Customer/Supplier or by bills. If Bills is chosen, the system generates the records of this occurrence in the Bank Transaction file (SE5).

5. Check the information and confirm the parameters.

6. Confirm the operation.