Páginas filhas
  • Additional Information - DMA (MATA950 - SIGAFIS)

For the DMA to be properly generated, it is necessary to perform the following procedures:

1. For the ideal integrity of the calculated data, perform calculation of the period needed in the following routines:

  • ICMS Calculation;
  • Calculation of COFINS

If different periods are indicated, the values may present differences in the calculation.

3. The parameter MV_MUNDMA, which must be filled out with the fields in tables SA1 and SA2 that contains the customer/supplier city code.

Example: {“SA1->A1_COD_MUN”,”SA2->A2_COD_MUN”}

4. In Customer and Supplier Files, pay attention to content of fields City Code which must indicate the city code for customer and supplier, respectively.

5. The data filling of DMA configuration must be performed with valid information for the magnetic file generation to be proper. For this, you must use the option GI-ICMS, where the following information is required:

DMA Configuration Items

Inflow operation for the same State (BA):

001 - Purchase

002 - Transfers

003 - Returns/Cancellations

004 - Electric Power

005 - Communication

006 - Transports

007 - Fixed Asset

008 - Material For Use and Consumption

009 - Others

010 - Transf. of Material For Use and Consumption

011 - Transfer Property

012 - Petroleum/Energy Tax Substitution

013 - Return of Processing, repair or sales outside the establishment.

Inflow operation for different States:

101 - Purchase

102 - Transfers

103 - Returns/Cancellations

104 - Electric Power

105 - Communication

106 - Transports

107 - Fixed Asset

108 - Material For Use and Consumption

109 - Others

110 - Transf. of Material For Use and Consumption

111 - Transfer Property

112 - Petroleum/Energy Tax Substitution

113 - Return of Processing, repair or sales outside the establishment.

Inflow operation for other countries:

201 - Purchase

202 - Returns/Cancellations

203 - Communication

204 - Fixed Asset

205 - Material For Use and Consumption

206 - Others

207 - Return of Processing, repair or sales outside the establishment.

Outflow operation for the same State (BA):

501 - Sales

502 - Transfers

503 - Returns/Cancellations

504 - Electric Power

505 - Communication

506 - Transports

507 - Others

508 - Transfer Property

509 - Transf. of Material For Use and Consumption

510 - Return of Processing, repair or sales outside the establishment.

Outflow operation for different States:

601 - Sales

602 - Transfers

603 - Returns/Cancellations

604 - Electric Power

605 - Communication

606 - Transports

607 - Others

608 - Transfer Property

609 - Transf. of Material For Use and Consumption

610 - Return of Processing, repair or sales outside the establishment.

Outflow operation for other countries:

701 - Sales

702 - Returns/Cancellations

703 - Communication

704 - Others

705 - Return of Processing, repair or sales outside the establishment.

6. Enter the CFOPs corresponding to operations of the items above.

7. The CFOPs must be typed without the format mask and with the character “,” (comma), separating them according to the example:

Example: 111,5999,711.586

In Charge Data:

911 - In Charge

Enter the in charge's name.

912 - CPF:

Enter the in charge's CPF, including leading zero.

Accountant Data:

913 - Name of the Accountant In Charge:

Enter the name of the accountant or person in charge of DMA

914 - CRC:

Enter the accountant in charge registration number, or leave it blank if the person in charge is note an accountant.

915 - Accountant's CRC State:

Enter the State relating to the Accountant CRC, or leave it blank if the responsible person is not an accountant.

916 - Type of Public Way:

Enter the type of public way, using only three characters.

917 - Address:

Enter the accountant's address.

920 - Number:

Enter the number of the address.

918 - State:

Enter the State for the address.

919 - District:

Enter the district name relating to the address.

921 - Postal Code:

Enter the postal code for the address, using eight digits. Example: 46100390.

922 - City Code:

Enter the accountant city code according to the city table in the State of Bahia.(enter 00000, 00000 if it is a city of another state).

923 - Telephone:

Enter the accountant telephone number, as follows:

the first four characters for area code;

the following four characters for prefix;

the four characters for the telephone number complement;

the last four for extension.

Example: 0071471036360123.


If the DDD (telephone local area code) or the prefix do not use four digits, leave blank the first one. If there is not an extension, leave blank spaces.

Example: 07147103636.

924 - City Name - for other States:

Enter the accountant city name - for other States.

General Data:

925 - Inspection Code:

Enter the inspection code under which the company is.

926 - Number of employees in the last month:

927 - kWh used within the period:

928 - Name of the Cofins calculation File:

Enter the name of the Cofins calculation file for the period to calculate DMA. The file containing Cofins calculation has CP extension. Example: 100010199.CP.