Electronic Document of Tax Information - Version 2013

The Electronic Document of Tax Information - Version 2013 (DIF) enables the magnetic file generation in Tocantins (TO), according to article 220 of ICMS Rule approved by Decree 2.912/06, dated 12/29/2006 and Decree SEFAZ no. 1.554, date December 29th, 2011 (Attachments I, II e III).


To generate the Electronic Document:

1. In Normative Instructions, click Parameters.

2. Fill out data according to field help instructions.

Note the following parameters:

Normative Instruction?

It must have option DIFTO.

File Destination? and Directory?

It must have the file name that is generated and recording place.

3. Click OK.

4. For the Processing screen of DIF – TAX INFORMATION DOCUMENTS  is opened, click OK.

5. Click Next. Options that are part of the magnetic file header are displayed:

  • Reference period
  • Adjustment
  • Main Economical Activity
  • Establishment Type
  • Purpose
  • Registration Type
  • Calculation System
  • Tax period of start reference
  • Tax period of end reference
  • Accountant CPF
  • Responsible Party
  • Cash start balance
  • Cash end balance
  • Net equity value
  • Generate Segment G

6. Click Finish. The System starts to create a file with indicated name and place.


When finishing the generation, it is necessary import the generated file on the validator DIF-TO. The purpose of this validator is to generate a new file to be transmitted to the Finance Department. To get the software and transmit the generated file, access page http://dif.sefaz.to.gov.br/.