This routine enables the generation of magnetic file relating to the Statement of Operations with Clients and Suppliers.

To whom it is applicable

All individuals and legal entities who performed operations higher than $ 50,000.00 pesos per year with clients or suppliers.


Federal – México.

Application provided by tax authorities (Fisco)


Version of the application contemplated by Microsiga Protheus®


Where to find the application made available by Tax Authority

Types of Generated Records

Record F42 – Form Identifier

Information related to the tax payer, the period indicated in the declaration and the totals entered when declaring. This information is obtained from the Companies File and the routine Wizard.

Record clientes_datos – Clients Information

Information obtained through invoices of service outflow, entered in Tax Registers and client Record.

Record proveedores_datos – Informações de Fornecedores

Information obtained through invoices of service inflow, entered in Tax Registers and client Record.

Procedures of Use

1. Click Parameters and check out the following data:

Initial Date ?

Enter the start date to process the Normative Instruction.

Final Date ?

Enter the end date to process the Normative Instruction.

Normative Instruction ?

Enter the configuration file name, without the ".INI" extension. For this magnetic media, enter the F42LEC.

File Destination File?

Enter the destination file name where the information is generated.

Destination Directory?

Indicate the directory name where the text file generated from the calculation is saved.

Select Branches?

Indicate if the branches to be processed are selected. When entering No, only the current branch is considered; when selecting Yes, the system displays a screen in which you must select branches to be considered.

4. Check parameters and confirm them.

The wizard screen of this magnetic means is displayed.

5. Click Next.

The wizard parameters are displayed.


Enter the RFC registration number of the tax payer.

Type of Statement

Select the declaration type: Regular or Complementary.

Complementary Nr.

If it is a complementary declaration, enter its number.,

Attachments to Declare

Select the attachments to indicate in the declaration.

Declare with balance lower than $50,000.00

Indicate if clients or suppliers with operation lower than 5,0000 per year will be declared. It is required to indicate only those with operations higher than 5,0000.

6. Check parameters and click Finish.

Useful Information

1. The following fields must be correctly filled out to avoid errors while importing the created magnetic file.

  • Companies file (SIGAMAT.EMP)

Corporate Name

Note: Special characters cannot be entered, such as comma “,” or hyphen “-“.

  • clients (SA1) / Suppliers (SA2) File

R.F.C. (_CGC)

Company Name(_NAME)

Note: Special characters cannot be entered, such as comma “,” or hyphen “-“.

Address (_ADD)

Note: a comma must separate the address and the number.

Example: Av. BANDEIRANTES, 1255

Municipality (_MUN)

State (_EST)

Zip Codel (_CXPOSTA)