Páginas filhas
  • Main Fields and Controls (MATA540 - SIGAFAT)

The main fields and controls of this routine define application of tax exception.

Check out the following fields:

    • Taxation Group

Code which works as table unique identifier. The groups must be previously registered in Configurator environment, table 21.

    • Sequence

Identification of exception row. A tax exception identified by a taxation group may have more than one rule registered. The rules are distinguished by sequence numbers. Example: 01, 02, 03...

Inform the sequence number of states with tax exception. The number must follow a sequence, like 01, 02 and so on.

    • State

State to which the rule applies (destination state of the operation). Enter a valid state, that is, a state from the state table (Configurator module, table 12). If you enter ** (two asterisks), the rule will be valid to all states.

    • Client Type

Client type to which the rule applies. This information is entered in the Client Register. If you enter * (asterisk), the rule will be valid to all clients.

    • Internal Rate

Rate to be applied to operations carried out in the issuer state. Once you enter this rate, it will replace the internal rate informed in parameter MV_ICMPAD.

    • External Rate

Rate to be applied to operations carried out in a state other than the issuer state. Once you enter this rate, it will replace the general rule for ICMS calculation, with 12% rate for interstate operations and 7% rate for interstate operations whose source state is not from the North region and the destination state is from the North region. External rates are valid only for operations carried out by ICMS taxpayers (registered).

    • Profit Margin

Profit margin for calculation of ICMS Solidário. Once you enter the margin, it will replace the margin informed in field Profit Margin of the Product Register.

    • Recipient ICMS Rate

ICMS rate in the recipient state. If this rate is not entered, the state default rate is considered. This information is used to calculate regular ICMS for operations with interstate ICMS Solidário. It replaces the rate entered in parameter MV_ESTICM.

    • Client and Supplier Group

Code assigned to Clients or Suppliers which belong to the registered tax exception.

    • ISS

This field indicates whether ICMS internal and external rates will apply to ISS calculation.

    • ICMS Pauta Solidário

Unit value of ICMS Pauta. The ICMS Pauta is a different ICMS calculation, in which the tax value is obtained by multiplying a fixed value by the amount purchased and sold. It replaces the value entered in the field of the Product Register.

    • IPI Pauta

Unit value of IPI Pauta. The IPI Pauta is a different IPI calculation, in which the tax value is obtained by multiplying a fixed value by the amount purchased and sold. It is used in operations with beverages, for example. It replaces the value entered in the field of the Product Register.

    • IPI Rate

This field complies with Decree 3,800. Enter the rate to be treated in exception.

    • PIS Red.

This field complies with Law 10,485. Enter the reduction percentage of PIS calculation base value for the tax exception.

    • COFINS Red.

This field complies with Law 10,485. Enter the reduction percentage of COFINS calculation base value for the tax exception.

    • Product Pauta

The field Product Pauta F7_ICMPAUT defines whether the system will consider the ICMS Pauta of the product or the profit margin of the tax exception.

The system procedure for the ICMS Pauta calculation is:

If the product has the value of ICMS Pauta (B1_VLR_ICM) and a tax exception with Profit Margin value informed (F7_MARGEM), the value of ICMS Pauta is always considered (B1_VLR_ICM), and the tax exception is ignored.

Check out details on ICMS Pauta calculation by using field Product Pauta.