Páginas filhas
  • Calculate ISS (FINA010 - SIGAFAT)

This field defines the calculation of ISS - Services Tax in the routines which use the registered classes.

When including bills receivable and this field is indicated as Yes, the concerning ISS amount is calculated on bill value, according to the following factors:

  • In the clients register, it checks whether ISS is collected, according to the Collect ISS? field.

When this field is set as Yes, the system does not perform the calculation (because the client himself collects ISS).

When this field is set as No, the system performs the calculation according to the content of the MV_ALIQISS parameter.

  • In the suppliers register, it checks whether ISS is collected, according to the Collect ISS? field.

When this field is set as Yes, the system does not perform the calculation (because the supplier himself collects ISS).

When this field is set as No, the system performs the calculation according to the content of the MV_ALIQISS parameter.

Example 1 - Application of the Calculate ISS in Accounts Receivable:

When defining the tax rate of 5% in the MV_ALIQISS parameter and setting the Calculate ISS field as Yes of the class register. For a client that does not collect ISS, when adding a bill receivable of R$ 1,000.00, note that the system calculates the amount of R$ 50.00 for ISS.

Example 2 - Application of the Calculate ISS in Accounts Payable:

When defining the tax rate of 5% in the MV_ALIQISS parameter and setting the Calculate ISS field as Yes of the class register. For a supplier that does not collect ISS, when adding a bill receivable of R$ 1,000.00, note that the system calculates the amount of R$ 50.00 for ISS.


For the Transportation Management module, the Calculate ISS field is used only for trips within city routes.