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Speaking of manual scores...

In the manual score all the topic items that have this type of score and are under the responsibility of the authenticated user are displayed.

It is possible to enter or adjust the score of each student in each class topic item accessed.

View manual score

01. Once you access the class whose manual scores in topic items will be added, press the tab Score.

02. Click Manual score.

03. View all topics that have items with manual score.

Enter manual score for topic item

01. Select the topic to which the item with manual score belongs.

02. In the table topic items, select the item for which the score will be assigned.

03. In the table enrollments, select the student for which the score of the topic item will be assigned.

04. In the Edit column corresponding to the student for which the score will be assigned, press the edit icon.

05. Enter the score that will be assigned to the student in the topic item in question.

06. Press the icon located in the edit column.

To discard the score entered, press the cancel icon in the Edit column. 

07. Press Save.

Edit the manual score for the topic item

01. Select the topic to which the item with manual score belongs.

02. In the table topic Items, select the item for which the score will be edited.

03. In the table enrollments, select the student whose score in the topic item will be edited.

04. In the edit column corresponding to the student whose score will be assigned, press the Edit icon.

05. Change the student's score on the topic in question.

06. Press the icon located in the edit column.

To discard the change, press the cancel icon in the Edit column. 

07. Press Save.

Please note!

This documentation is valid from the 1.5.10 update. If you use a previous update, it may contain information different from what you see on your platform.

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