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Speaking of viewing document attachments...

Attachments to a document can be the files that were posted along with its main file.

This feature allows you to view each of the attachments to the document.

When viewing a document attachment, you can also access the main document view through the option View document found in Document actions. The other existing options in Document actions are described in View document, since they are made on the main document.

The Document attachments feature is unrelated to Request attachments, as they are different features. The document attachment is accessed through the Display attachments option in the document actions, and the attached file is always owned by the main document.

View document attachments

01. After clicking on the option Display attachments – located to the right of the document name – or View attachments – located in Document actions in document view – select the attachment you wish to view.

02. View the content for the attachment to the selected document.

To return to the main attachments window, simply click on Return, located in the top left corner of the window.

View main document

01. In the main attachments window or in the view window of an attachment, click on document actions.

02. Click on View document.

Clicking on this option opens the view window of the main document to which the attachments belong. For more information, see Platform ❙ Document view.

Please note!

This documentation is valid as of the Lake (1.7.0) update. If you use a previous update, it may contain information different from what you see on your platform.

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