Páginas filhas
  • Acquisition by Transfer – 11331

Acquisition by Transfer

The acquisition by transfer routine aims to transform an asset of the type 03 (Advance) into 01 (Fiscal)To perform this action, it is necessary to select an asset of the fiscal type.

The 'Asset Data' tab contains the data referring to the Fiscal type. It is also possible to complement the acquisition by transfer with management types 10 (Managerial/Accounting Depreciation) and 12 (Recoverable Asset Value) using the 'Complements' tab.

The acquisition by transfer must be made in the month immediately following the date of the last depreciation calculation; if the advance payments have depreciation amounts, these are carried forward to the final assets. However, when the final assets are generated, no depreciation type is calculated.

The amounts of depreciation existing in each item to be posted are added together and prorated to the final asset(s), in proportion to the original value of the final asset.
The advances transferred (posted) can generate one or more final assets.

Help: AF250VALOR

Help AF250VALOR is displayed when the value entered for the new asset is higher than the total value of tax assets, which is displayed on the Transfer selection screen based on the assets that were selected.

Therefore, you need to select at least 1 asset of tax type so that this total is higher than 0, making it possible to enter the value field for the new asset and make the transfer.

On cancellation, all generated final assets are canceled, and the advance payments return to the condition prior to the execution of the Acquisition by Transfer routine.


It is not possible to cancel only one part. For Acquisition by Transfer accounting, use the standard entry 835, and for cancellation, 836.

The following variables are available for accounting/cancellation:

-nValorOr - Original value of the final asset generated.

-nValorDp - Accrued depreciation of the final asset generated (if any).

-nValorCo - Indexation value of the final asset generated (if any).

-nValorCd - Indexation of the final asset's accrued depreciation (if any).

-nValBxOr - Original advance value.

-nValBxDp - Accrued depreciation value of the advance payments (if any).

-nValBxCo - Indexation of the advance values (if any).

-nValBxCd - Indexation of the advance payment's accrued depreciation (if any).

The following values can only be used in LP 835:

-nGValorOr - Original value of the final asset generated specific to types on the Complement tab (usually the managerial types).
-nGValorDp - Value of the accrued depreciation of the final asset generated (if any) for types on the Complement tab (usually the managerial types).
-nGValueCo - the value of the indexation of the final Asset generated for types on the Complement tab (usually the managerial types).
-nGValueCd - Value of the indexation of the accrued depreciation of the definitive asset generated (if any) for types on the Complement tab (usually the managerial types).


Access Level
Level 1 (Customer Access)
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