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The objective of this guide is to enable the developer to perform the installation of Fluig Plugin, TOTVS Studio.

Fluig Plugin Installation

The installation of the Fluig Plugin is very quick and easy. All you need to do is follow the procedure below.


There is only one installation package to be done.


Installation package



fluig-eclipse-plugin.zip Plugin Fluig WCM used in any 64 bits operating system.

The Fluig Plugin is composed by:

  • Fluig Workflow
  • Fluig WCM Designer


  • Access the Help menu and click on the option Install New Software...
  • Click on the Add... button, then on Archive... Locate and select the file fluig-eclipse-plugin.zip (Figure 1).

Figure 1 - Add the Fluig Plugin from this repository

  • Click OK.
  • Select Fluig Designer (Fluig Workflow and WCM Designer) according to Figure 2.

Figure 2 - Install the Fluig Plugin (1)

  • Click on Next then click on Next again (Figure 3).

Figure 3 - Install the Fluig Plugin (2)

  • Mark the radio button to accept the license terms: "I accept the terms of the license agreement", figure 4.


Figure 4 - Install the Fluig Plugin (3)

  • Click Finish.

A window will request you to restart Eclipse for the change to be effective. Click Yes.


If a security warning window appears, press OK and wait for the installation to finish.


Now that Eclipse has been restarted, access the Window menu, chose the option Open Perspective/Other and chose Fluig.

Ready! Now you only need to create your Fluig components.

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