In environments where a cluster will be used, or when the amount of documents is considerably large, it is advisable to use an exclusive server for indexation.
The installation and setting instructions can be found below:
Initial considerations
- All instances should have access to the same shared folder, where the file system repository is. In this repository, a research index is created and the indexation server must have the same path for this folder as the fluig server.
Preparing the environment
Before starting the installation, follow the steps below:
- Install the Fluig Server normally and move
the foundation-addon-indexer-web.war file, found in the
directory <Installation directory>/jboss/apps to a
temporary directory.
- If you have more instances of the Fluig
Server, exclude the foundation-addon-indexer-web.war
file from these instances, leaving only a single copy which will go
to the server at Fluig Indexer.
- Download
Installing the Fluig Indexer Server
- Unzip the file to a directory
in the indexation server. Ex: c:\FluigIndexer
- Move the foundation-addon-indexer-web.war file to
the directory <FluigIndexer>/webapps
- If the server where the indexation service was installed does not have Java installed, copy the jdk-64 directory from your Fluig Server installation.
Configuring the Fluig Indexer Server
Defining the Indexation Server IP
Open the file <fluigIndexer>/solr/solr.xml and locate the following line, changing the server IP:
<cores defaultCoreName="collection1" adminPath="/admin/cores" zkClientTimeout="${zkClientTimeout:15000}" hostPort="8080" hostContext="indexer" host="">
(Optional) Port change (Default: 8983)
Open the file <fluigIndexer>/etc/jetty.xml and locate the following line, changing the port value to one that is not being used:
<Set name="port"><SystemProperty name="jetty.port" default="8983"/></Set>
Configuring the Fluig Server to use the Fluig Indexer
On the server where the Fluig Server is installed, access the directory <fluig-server>/jboss/standalone/configuration
And edit the file standalone.xml and locate the following line:
<property name="totvs/solrURL" value="http://server:8080/indexer"/>
Change it to <IP>:<Port> where the Fluig Indexer is running. The IP or HostName of the server where the indexation service is installed must be informed.
<property name="totvs/solrURL" value="http://<Fluig Indexer Host>:<Fluig Indexer Port>/indexer"/>
Executing the Fluig Indexer
You only need to run the file run.bat or for the process to start. Ctrl-C makes the process end.
Note: It is important that the Fluig Indexer is started before Fluig, otherwise, it will consider that there is no Indexation Service available.
Updating the Fluig Indexer
Whenever there is an update for Fluig Server, the foundation-addon-indexer-web.war file must be moved to the webapps directory in Fluig Indexer. If there are several instances of Fluig Server, this file must be removed from all of them.