Páginas filhas
  • ATFA240 – Behavior of the question Use Acquisit Dt or Base Dt? when clicking F12 in the routine



This describes the operation of the parameter (F12) Use Acquisit Dt or Base Dt? in the integration with the purchasing module (MATA103) incoming document.

02. Definition of Business Rule

This parameter has two possible settings:

1 - Base Date: will update the Depreciation Start Date field (N3_DINDEPR) with the system base date (DDDATABASE).

2 - Acquisition Date: will update the Depreciation Start Date field (N3_DINDEPR) according to the incoming invoice date (N1_AQUISIC)

Note: The N1_AQUISIC field is populated when registering an incoming document (MATA103) with the base date of the system.


This parameter is only a facilitator. When you open the screen, the field (N3_DINDEPR) will be available for editing.

When you register the incoming document, the field (N1_AQUISIC) will be filled with the field (SD1->D1_DTDIGIT)

AF240CLA - Change data after saving
•Change dt. of acquisition date with MV_TIPDEPR = 2