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Speaking of REST API token...

Identity was developed under the concept of "companies". Each company has its own subdomain, for example, https://totvs.fluigidentity.com, and its own data set (e.g. applications, groups). Each application software integrated with Identity will have access only to the data of the company in which the integration was configured.

Each company has a Client ID and a private key, which will allow access to your company's specific data using our REST APIs.

Get data from REST API v2

01. Click the Settings  icon in the upper right corner and select the Security option. 

02Access the Token REST API feature.

03. See the Company ID (companyId), unique for each context in Identity.

04. See Client ID (clientId).

05. Click Download Private Key to download the private key of the company's REST API v2 in Identity.

See the Introduction to the REST API documentation (in Portuguese language) for more information about using this feature.

Generate new REST API v1 secret key

01. Click the Settings  icon in the upper right corner and select the Security option. 

02Access the Token REST API feature.

03. Click Create New.

A new ID and secret key will be created for the company.

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