Páginas filhas
  • FINA070 - Postings Receivable - Protheus 12


This routine was adjusted to comply with the General Personal Data Protection Law (Statute No. 13.70), so that some fields containing data regarded as sensitive and/or personal are blurred, becoming illegible.


Allows you to register the receipt of bills in the system, so that those that are posted in the Accounts Receivable routine can be classified with the following conditions:
• Pending Bill;
• Partial Posting;
• Posted Bill;
• Bills in bordereau;
• Advance with balance;
• Partially posted bill in bordereau;
• Posted Tax Advance with Balance;
• Bill Protested.

By the posting of the bill, it is possible to determine its cause by previously registering information in the Table of reasons for posting routine, available in the option Files in the Miscellaneous menu. In addition to this criterion, it also allows a reason for posting to be able or not to move the bank balance, generate commission and check, and the control is done in the routine by the fields Bank Trans., Commission, and Check.


The routine also requires some default or specific settings enabled by parameters.

There are three reasons presented in the bills receivable posting:

  • Regular (NOR):

It automatically updates the bank transaction.

  • Return (DEV):

For collections regarding returns. Does not automatically update the bank transaction.

  • Delivery in accord and satisfaction (DAC):

Does not automatically update the bank transaction.

More Information: Posting by delivery in accord and satisfaction

The transactions in this routine contemplate partial or total postings, identified by the referential of the total amount of the bill and the amount reported.


The configuration of the Schedule and EAI Adapter routines promotes the following conditions:

  • Integration of TIN (TOTVS Real Estate Enterprising) which sends and receives XML files, in accordance with the XSD ratified by TOTVS.
  • Single message in the XML file with the posting of bills receivable (ACCOUNTRECEIVABLEDOCUMENTDISCHARGE) and the cancellation of the bills receivable posting (REVERSALOFACCOUNTRECEIVABLEDOCUMENTDISCHARGE).

This routine can be integrated with RM Classis Net. For technical details about the procedures of Deployment, Usage, Table Synchronization among Bases, and Parameterization for Generation, check the Protheus X Classis Integration Manual available on the TDN portal.


    Allows you to post bills in statuses pending, partially posted, advance with balance, bills in bordereau, etc. After selecting the desired bill and clicking on the Download option, check that the main fields have been filled out and confirm the procedure.

    Total posting

    Every operation that zeroes the corresponding balance, as in:

    • Total payment of the bill;
    • The total return of the goods delivered;
    • Application of pending credits/debits.

    The field Amount Received establishes the total posting of a bill receivable. This field must contain the amount received on the bill after adding deductions and subtracting increments, where necessary.

    Partial Posting

    This is characterized by posting a bill receivable with a value lower than the original. It happens according to the following situations:

    • Receipt of part of a bill amount;
    • Partial return of goods;
    • Application of customer's/supplier's pending credit/debit with an amount lower than the bill amount.

    What determines the partial posting of a bill receivable is the Amount Received field. If the amount received, after deductions and increments, is lower than the bill balance, it is characterized as partial posting.

    Note that the bills with partial posting present the status in blue in the routine's maintenance window.

    Example of total posting:

    • Number: 2112RA001
    • Type: RA
    • Customer: FIN – Customer Delinquency Fee and Interest.
    • Nature: 001
    • Issue Date: 12/21/2016
    • Current due date: 12/22/2016
    • Status: 0 Portfolio
    • Posting reason: Regular
    • Bank: 001
    • Branch: 00001
    • Account: 0000000001
    • Receipt Date: 01/16/2017
    • Credit Date: 01/16/2017
    • Posting History: value received without a bill
    • Original value: 1,200.00
    • Net value: 1,200.00

    Amount Received: 1,200.00


    The system provides financial discounts for bills posted in advance according to the information in the Financial Discount, Type of Discount, and Days for Discount fields while adding a bill in the Accounts Receivable routine. That way, when the bill is posted, the Discounts field is filled in with the value granted

    Example of a single discount:

    If the bill is paid up to 10 days before the due date, the discount is 2.7% on the amount.

    Bill Amount


    Due date


    Financial Discount

    2.7 fixed

    Type of Discount


    Days for granting Discount


    Example of proportional discount:

    If the bill is paid on 04/03/2016, the discount will be 2.7% per month, proportional to 50 days, which will be BRL 29.62.

    Bill Amount


    Due date


    Financial Discount

    2.7 p.m.

    Type of Discount




    Issue Date History:

    History registered on the bill generation.


    Bill's banking status.

    Posting Reas.:

    Reason for posting


    Code of the collection agent.


    Code of the collection agency.


    Bank Account Number.

    Receipt Date:

    Date when the posting happened/will happen.

    Credit Date:

    Date of the bank credit referring to

    the posting of the bill.

    Posting hist.:

    Posting history.

    Mult. Natures Apport.:

    Multiple nature apportionment



    Issue Date History:

    History registered on the bill generation.


    Bill's banking status.

    Posting Reas.:

    Reason for posting


    Code of the collection agent.


    Code of the collection agency.


    Bank Account Number.

    Receipt Date:

    Date when the posting happened/will happen.

    Credit Date:

    Date of the bank credit referring to

    the posting of the bill.

    Posting hist.:

    Posting history.

    Mult. Natures Apport.:

    Multiple nature apportionment



    Issue Date History:

    History registered on the bill generation.


    Bill's banking status.

    Posting Reas.:

    Reason for posting


    Code of the collection agent.


    Code of the collection agency.


    Bank Account Number.

    Receipt Date:

    Date when the posting happened/will happen.

    Credit Date:

    Date of the bank credit referring to

    the posting of the bill.

    Posting hist.:

    Posting history.

    Mult. Natures Apport.:

    Multiple nature apportionment

    * Number 1 refers to the currency of the bill. If the content of parameter MV_SIMB(currency) is changed, the field description will be changed.

    Parameters used by FINA070:





    Data referring to the bills that will be posted



    Action to be performed by the source:

    3 - Bill posting

    5 - Posting cancellation

    6 - Posting deletion



    Set if the screen's routine should be presented or not.



    Determine which posting or posting cancellation will be run.

    If a bill is partially posted, you can use this parameter to inform which posting will be canceled.


    The nOpBaixa parameter does not comply with the posting sequence recorded in table SE5. In a scenario with 4 partial postings, when canceling the second posting (parameter 2) and then canceling the third posting, the parameter must be passed with value 2 again, since the previously canceled posting is no longer considered in the posting sequence. In this scenario, the routine considers a new sequence, from 1 to 3, with the first posting equivalent to 1, the third posting equivalent to 2, and the fourth posting equivalent to 3.

    If the parameter's value is higher than the number of existing postings (for example, 3 partial postings and the parameter with a value of 4), the routine automatically considers the parameter to have a value of 1.



    Saves a filter in the Mbrowse bills.


    Example of use:

    ExecAuto FINA070
    User Function EXEC070()
    	Local aBaixa := {}
    	aBaixa := {{ "E1_PREFIXO"      ,"   "            ,Nil         } ,;
        	       { "E1_NUM"          ,"200      "      ,Nil         } ,;
    			   {"E1_PARCELA"  	   ," "              ,Nil  		  } ,;
            	   { "E1_TIPO"         ,"NF "            ,Nil         } ,;
        	       { "AUTMOTBX"        ,"NOR"            ,Nil         } ,;
        	       { "AUTBANCO"        ,"001"            ,Nil         } ,;
        	       { "AUTAGENCIA"      ,"00001"          ,Nil         } ,;
        	       { "AUTCONTA"        ,"0000000001"     ,Nil         } ,;
        	       { "AUTDTBAIXA"      ,dDataBase        ,Nil         } ,;
        	       { "AUTDTCREDITO"    ,dDataBase        ,Nil         } ,;
        	       { "AUTHIST"         ,"BAIXA TESTE"    ,Nil         } ,;
        	       { "AUTJUROS"        ,0                ,Nil    ,.T. } ,;
        	       { "AUTVALREC"       ,700              ,Nil         }}
    	MSExecAuto({|x,y| Fina070(x,y)},aBaixa,3) 

    Allows you to view information from the documents/bills that must be paid by the company.

    Use filters to search for information, ordering it in accordance with a given characteristic.


    • branch+prefix+bill no.+installment+type.
    • branch+paymt. order

    This allows you to post several bills at the same time, provided they have similar characteristics. When this option is activated, it is necessary to choose the required information, which includes bank details, bill values, expenses, discounts, fines, interest, due date, and nature.




    Code of the collection agent.


    Code of the collection agency.


    Bank Account Number.

    No. Bills:

    The number of bills contained in the bank notification that will be posted.


    The number of the batch to be posted. This number will be used for bank reconciliation.


    Code of the nature from which the bank transaction referring to the posting of this batch will be generated.

    All these fields will be used only for checking at the end of the batch inclusion process.



    Bills Value:

    The total value of the bills contained in the bank notification to be posted.

    Total Expenses:

    The total of expenses charged by the collection agent to collect the bills listed in this bank notification.

    Total Discounts:

    The total value of discounts granted to the bills that belong to the bank notification.

    Total Fines:

    The total value of the fines charged by the collection agent listed in the bank notification.

    Total Interest:

    The total value of the interest charged on the bills listed in the bank notification.

    Credit in C/C:

    Total effectively credited in the checking account of the collection agent.



    From Due Date:

    The start date of the maturity period of the checks to be deposited.

    To Due Date:

    End date of the maturity period of the checks to be deposited.

    From Nature:

    The initial nature to be used for selecting the bills to be posted.

    To Nature:

    The final nature to be used for selecting the bills to be posted.

    In the cancellation of a posting, the accounting entries and the bank balances are reversed. Consequently, a reversal record is generated in the bank transaction so that later the bank statement shows the history of operations performed.

    In this operation, the system allows you to enter history and identify the returned check. In this case, the Customer Status Query, Pending Bills option, highlights as historical information the Bill with Returned Check.

    Allows you to delete a bill.

    After selecting the desired bill and activating this option, check the information presented and confirm the procedure.

    While canceling an effective posting, the accounting entries and bank balances are reversed. Completing the procedure deletes the previously made posting record without generating a reversal record. Therefore, the statement does not show the reversal of the posting, only the open bill.

    This option indicates, through colors, the types of bills available.

    Allows you to add checks for posting the bills. This option is triggered in the Other Actions/Checks item available in the Bill Posting screen.



    Display Accounting Entry Account?

    Select Yes or No to indicate whether to display accounting entries when booking online.

    "Tax Grouping Entries?

    Select Yes or No to indicate whether to group entries in a single line, if accounts, cost center, item, and value class are the same in the entries.

    Disc. Commiss.?

    Select Yes or No to indicate whether, upon canceling the posting, the discount amount should be deducted when calculating the reversal of the commission generated for the posting.

    Book online?

    Select Yes or No to indicate whether to book transactions (adding a bill, posting, generating a check, deleting, etc.) one at a time or offline (with all entries booked in one batch process).

    Cons. commission interest? 

    Select Yes or No to indicate if the interest value should be considered when calculating the commission.

    Highlight discounts?

    Select Yes or No to indicate if you wish to highlight the discount bills for selection. It deals only with discount bills in the bill selection values, i.e. they will be posted, even if not selected, following the rule of the Accounts Receivable routine.

    Duplicate Apportionment?

    To fill out this field, select from the following options:

    ·   On Inclusion: replicate the apportionment from the issuance for this posting.

    ·   On Posting: replicate the apportionment from one posting to the current one.

    ·   Do not replicate: type the multiple nature apportionment at each posting. If you choose one of the previous options and there is no previous multiple nature apportionment of that type, the routine will not replicate, and you must enter the multiple nature apportionment on posting.

    Generate check for advance?

    To fill out this field, select from the following options:

    ·   Yes: generate checks for returning the advance in the Accounts Payable/Check Generation/Join.

    ·   No: when the return is made in cash.

    Consider bank withholding?

    To fill out this field, select from the following options:

    ·   Yes: consider the withholding days of the collection agent when the transfer of the bill is performed.

    ·   No: do not consider the withholding days on the transfer, but they can be considered on the bill's posting.

    Use previous bank?

    Select Yes or No to indicate whether to consider the bank from the last posting or the default bank.


    Below, we present the registrations needed for creating bills in the database:

    • Register a customer by entering the mandatory fields:
    • Access the Financial Module (SIGAFIN) > Updates > Records > Customers (MATA030).

      Click Add.

    Fill out the required fields and click Save.

    • Register a nature by entering the mandatory fields:
    • Access the Financial Module (SIGAFIN) > Updates > Records > Natures (MATA030).

      Click Add.

    Fill out the required fields and click Confirm.

    • Add a bill by entering the mandatory fields:
    • Access the Financials Module (SIGAFIN) > Updates > Accounts Receivable > Accounts Receivable (FINA040).

      Click Add.

    Fill out the required fields and click Save.


    For more parameters and information, check Financial Parameters.