This routine was adjusted to comply with the General Personal Data Protection Law (Statute No. 13.70), so that some fields containing data regarded as sensitive and/or personal are blurred, becoming illegible.
The Maintenance option has three functions: the creation of cash, manual replacement of values, and daily closure. These options update bank transactions.
The cash is highlighted in the maintenance window, with the following caption:
- Open Petty Cash
- Closed Petty Cash
- Pending Petty Cash without Available Balance
The manual replenishment of values in the petty cash can be performed with variable values different from the registered value, allowing the replenishment of higher values, without changing the original values for replenishment.
The operations of replacement of the petty cash will not suffer the incidence of ITF, even if the nature used does. The ITF is not charged when the operation is between cash.
In the replenishment of petty cash made by transfer of amounts from internal cash (same Bank), there will be no incidence of Tax on Checks, even if the Nature used indicates the incidence of this Tax.
You can calculate the ITF according to Statute no. 3446 - Taxes on Financial Transactions.
If the MV_FINCTAL parameter is set to 1 - Simple clearance, the System will allow the replenishment without an approval request.
If set equal to 2 - Authorization, the System will validate the replacement according to the rules of the fixed fund authority control, checking if the user has permission, that is, they are registered as a Financial Manager, and if they have an available balance in the period for approval.
To perform the cash control maintenance:
Check the data and confirm the procedure.
As soon as cash is created, the system asks about value replacement for its opening. If confirmed, the limit value is automatically transferred from the supplier bank (if it has a balance), and the cash is opened (green). Otherwise, the cash will be open, but without a balance for transactions (blue). From this point on, in all the cash withdrawal transactions, the system prompts about the automatic replenishment that will be made considering the replenishment value or percentage set.
The closing option consists of transferring the remaining cash value to the bank/branch/supplier account.
Once the check is closed it is not possible to add an entry.
The cash is only closed (in red) when no rendering of accounts exists.
To close cash:
Replenishment means the transfer from the bank/branch/supplier account to the selected cash based on the established type of replenishment: by percentage or by value.
This operation cannot be performed if the bank/branch/account does not have enough balance.
When localized (countries different from Brazil), it allows petty cash manual replenishment.
To perform the cash replenishment:
When performing the cash replenishment, generating a check transaction, the check number will be recorded in the field EU_TITLE (bill used for replenishment).
The type of replenishment for the cash can be performed using the following options:
Per limit value
A value is established, and when it is used or spent, replenishment of the petty cash balance is requested.
Petty Cash value = $ 1,000.00
Replenishment value = $ 900.00
In this case, when 900.00 is withdrawn from the petty cash, a replenishment is requested.
By Percentage
A percentage is defined, and when it is used or spent, the replenishment of the values in the petty cash is requested.
Petty Cash value = $ 1,000.00
Replacement Percentage = 75 %
In this case, when 750.00 is withdrawn from the petty cash, replacement is requested.
By Variable Value
It is possible to replenish different values from the registered value for the petty cash without changing the original registered value.
Petty Cash value = $ 1,000.00
Replacement value = $ 2,000.00
The Check Number, Issue Date, and Document Type fields generate checks with the amount of the replenishment. The MV_RPCXMN parameter must be set to 1.
When the Replenishment is performed, the replenished amount is taken from the Bank entered and included in the Petty Cash. For the Replacement Reversal scenario, the opposite movement will be performed, the amount will be taken from the Petty Cash and added to the Bank that was used to perform the replenishment.
For Brazil, the standard entry 57E (previously available only for localized environments) is available for performing the Accounting of the Replenishment Reversal transaction.
Because it is a Reversal transaction, the Standard Entry is executed exclusively online, at the time of the Reversal.
To perform the cash replenish reversal:
In the case of several existing and not yet reversed Replenishments, when reversing the Replenishment, the screen below will be displayed for choosing the Replenishment to be reversed. With Number, Value, and Replenishment Date.
3. Once chosen, the Confirmation screen will appear with data about the selected Replenishment.
4. When you complete the Replenishment Reversal process, you will see the screen below:
Replenishment with Checks
For the cases of Replenishment with checks, two possible parameterizations exist:
If the MV_LIBCHEQ parameter is set to "S", besides the Check being deleted, a Reversal transaction will be created in the Bank Transaction table (SE5)
If the MV_LIBCHEQ parameter is set to "N", the Check will only be deleted if it has not yet been released by the Check Generation routine.
Operations regarding data edition or deletion are allowed if the cash is closed.
To delete cash:
Use this option to locate and display accounting entries from the document that originated them.
To track them: