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  • Esta linha foi removida.
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The routine also requires some default or specific settings enabled by parameters. The Mental Mind Map highlights those used in this routine, and also makes some of them easier to view so you may know when they are working.


Deck of Cards

Issues a listing of the transfers made, linking the transferred bills and their respective collection portfolios.

Upon selecting this option, choose the Branch desired.

A window is displayed to consider bordereau information such as number, actual due date, value threshold, currency, contract, bank, bank branch, account, status, issue period, customer, prefix, and bill. After you fill out the data, confirm the procedure.

Double click to check/uncheck the desired bill and confirm the procedure.

InformacaoÉ bloqueada, para as situações de cobrança descontada, para ambientes com e sem gestão, onde o modo de abertura das tabela da família SE* seja exclusivo entre filiais, a geração de borderô com títulos de múltiplas filiais. Ao informar as perguntas Cons. filiais abaixo? com opção Sim ou Seleciona Filiais? com opção Sim e, na geração do borderô, tendo informado uma situação de cobrança descontada, após confirmar a operação antes da tela de seleção de títulos é apresentado o Help F060DES.

Table Sharing 

For situations of discounted collection in environments with and without management where the opening mode for tables from the SE* table is exclusive among branches, the bordereau generation with bills from multiple branches is blocked. When entering questions Cons. branches below? with option Yes or Select branches? with option Yes and, in the bordereau generation, having entered a discounted collection status, after confirming the operation before the bills selection screen, Help F060DES is presented.


After the bill is generated (manually or automatically), checked, and/or edited, the next step is to transfer it from status 0 (zero) = portfolio to the various types of collection that exist in the system:

Transfer Type

Business Rule

Protheus Resource

0 = Portfolio

A collection bill that is with the company, i.e., has not been routed to a financial institution or legal process.

The accounts receivable bill added to the system is already created in this collection situation. If the bill is not routed to a collection by the means of an agent, it is kept in this situation. (E1_SITUACA = 0)

1- Simple Collection (uses bank for its transfer)

A service provided by the bank to the account holder. Using a document called bordereau that is attached to the duplicates, the company routes the bill so that the bank can collect from the respective debtor to the company.

The accounts receivable bill added to the system, when transferred to this kind of situation, will change its status to "simple collection" (E1_SITUACA = 1). At this moment, the bearer field is filled in. (E1_PORTADO = the bank code)

2- Discounted Collection (uses bank for its transfer)

Linking a discount operation, in which the financial institution credits the value of the bill in the account of the current account holder - with the discount rate, determined by the financial institution, already applied - and the financial institution becomes the creditor of the bill. However, the holding company remains responsible for the bill in case the customer does not pay it, that is, in a situation of default, the holding company must reimburse the financial institution.

The accounts receivable bill included in the system, when transferred to this type of situation, will have its status changed to "collection discounted" (E1_SITUACA = 2). At this point, the bearer field is entered. (E1_PORTADO = the bank code). At the time of the transfer, you must inform the discount rate and the IOF rate applied by the financial institution. The credit of the value already discounted is performed to the company's checking account. This credit can occur by posting at the time of the transfer or in a later posting. This operation is only possible if no unreturned check is linked to the bank.

3 - Pledged Collection (uses bank for its transfer)

The financial institutions receive duplicates (bills) as a guarantee for the credit operation. When the bills are paid, you can amortize, i.e., transfer, or replace the guarantee offered to the bank as specified in the contract between the account holder and the financial institution.

The accounts receivable bill included in the system, when transferred to this type of situation, will have its status changed to "Pledged collection  (E1_SITUACA = 3). At this point, the bearer field is entered. (E1_PORTADO = the bank code)

4 - Linked Collection (uses bank for its transfer)

This type of operation can be used in two ways, discounted and pledged, but the difference between the linked collection type and the others is that the amounts received will be credited to the account holder at the time of discharge (payment of the title by the creditor to the financial institution), but without the guarantee offered to the bank.

The accounts receivable bill included in the system, when transferred to this type of situation, will have its status changed to "Linked collection" (E1_SITUACA = 4). At this point, the bearer field is entered. (E1_PORTADO = the bank code)

5 - Collection with Attorney (uses bank for its transfer)

It is a procedure carried out by a lawyer or a law firm to assist the creditor in order to intervene out of court for the debtor to pay a due credit, that is, it is a kind of credit recovery through extrajudicial means.

The accounts receivable bill included in the system, when transferred to this type of situation, will have its status changed to "Collection with Attorney" (E1_SITUACA = 5). At this point, the bearer field is entered. (E1_PORTADO = the bank code)

6 - Legal Collection (uses bank for its transfer)

It is a procedure carried out by the Judiciary Branch triggered by the creditor in order to intervene in court for the debtor to pay a due credit, that is, it is a kind of credit recovery through legal means.

The accounts receivable bill included in the system, when transferred to this type of situation, will have its status changed to "Legal collection" (E1_SITUACA = 6). At this point, the bearer field is entered. (E1_PORTADO = the bank code).

7- Discounted Deposit Collection (uses bank for its transfer)

This type of operation can be used as a guarantee for a financial operation, and the credit is made when the bills are transferred to the bank. The financial institution is responsible for collecting the bill, and if it is not successful, the company will be required to replace the guarantee.

The accounts receivable bill included in the system, when transferred to this type of situation, will have its status changed to "Discounted Deposit Collection" (E1_SITUACA = 7). At the time of the transfer, you must inform the discount rate and the IOF rate applied by the financial institution. The credit of the value already discounted is made to the company's checking account. This credit can occur by posting at the time of the transfer or in a later posting. At this point, the bearer field is entered. (E1_PORTADO = the bank code)

F = Protest Portfolio (does not use a bank for its transfer)

It is a procedure carried out by extrajudicial notification (notary for the protest of bills and documents) triggered by the creditor for the debtor to pay a due credit, that is, it is a kind of credit recovery through extrajudicial means. The bill is removed from the bank for the protest to take place.

The accounts receivable bill included in the system, when transferred to this option, will have its status changed to the type "Protest Collection" (E1_SITUACA = F), and the bearer field will be empty (E1_PORTADO = removing the bank code) if it is filled.

G = Agreement Portfolio (does not use a bank for its transfer)

Negotiation procedure via an agreement with the debtor to receive the amounts owed, without any judicial, notary or banking ties, that is, a direct agreement between the parties.

The accounts receivable bill included in the system, when transferred to this option, will have its status changed to the type "Agreement Collection" (E1_SITUACA = G), and the bearer field will be empty (E1_PORTADO = removing the bank code) if it is filled.

H = Notary Collection (uses bank for its transfer)

It is a procedure carried out by extrajudicial notification (notary for the protest of bills and documents) triggered by the creditor for the debtor to pay a due credit, that is, it is a kind of credit recovery through extrajudicial means. The bill is still bound to the bank for the collection to take place.

The accounts receivable bill included in the system, when transferred to this type of situation, will have its status changed to "Notary collection" (E1_SITUACA = H). At this point, the bearer field is entered. (E1_PORTADO = the bank code)


  • The transfer of the bill from accounts receivable to discounted collection (either situation 2 or situation 7) may or may not cause it to be posted as in the question "Post Disc. Bill?". The other collection statuses do not cause the posting of the bill.
  • RA and NCC type bills cannot be transferred to the above collection statuses since their concept is to discount other bills received.
  • Discount bills (from taxes or AB-) are transferred from the parent bill.

By clicking the "Transfers" button, a window appears so that transfer information such as: customer, bill, status, contract, bearer, branch, account, status, description, and bearer number can be considered.

After you fill out the data, confirm the procedure.


Use filters to search for information, ordering it in accordance with a given characteristic.


  • branch+prefix+bill no.+installment+type.

When you activate this option, choose the desired branch and fill in the information that must be filtered in order to consider the bordereau cancellation, such as, for example, its number, accounting entry, and the grouping of entries. Then, confirm the procedure.

If, at the time of cancellation of the discounted portfolio bordereau and with the posted bill, if the standard entry "527" is configured, and the bordereau inclusion movement was accounted, the routine will run the LP "527" even if the "Account Transfer" option is set to "No" (F12 key).

If at the time of cancellation of the discounted portfolio bordereau, the "Reversal Data" screen only has the "History" field enabled for editing, with the other fields disabled for editing, the "F060NDes" entry point will no longer be used in this transaction.


This option indicates, through colors, the types of bills available.


It is possible to calculate Taxes on Financial Operations (IOF) in bill transfers on a discounted collection status.

IOF Calculation

In transactions for collection status with the "discounted" option, the IOF calculation, if any, will be based on the net value, that is, the value after the discount calculation.


Bill for BRL 10,000.00
Discount percentage = 10%
IOF Percentage = 10%
BRL 10,000.00 – 10% (Discount) = BRL 9,000.00
BRL 9,000.00 – 10% (IOF) = BRL 8,100.00

Decree No. 6306, of December 14, 2007 - IOF Regulation

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