Páginas filhas
  • Performing the Posting Payable (FINA091 - SIGAFIN)


Performing the posting payable:/

1. In automatic posting payable maintenance window, press [F12] to configure the routine parameters.

2. Configure them according to field help instructions.

3. Observe the following parameter:

    • Generate Check Autom.?

This parameter establishes whether the posting must generate a check for payment of the respective bills. The check number will be requested only if this question is answered in the affirmative.

4. Confirm the parameterization.

5. Then, select the option Automatic to post bills or Bordereau to post payment bordereau.

The system opens the screen for automatic posting.

6. To post bills, select the option Bills.

7. To post bordereau, select Bordereau.

8. Then, fill in the data according to the field's help.

9. Check and confirm the data.

The system displays a new screen with the bills subject to automatic posting, according to the parameterization data.

10. Double-click to select the bill(s) desired until there is a green “X” on the left and confirm it.

11. The bills checked will be posted.