Páginas filhas
  • Payment Query (FINC050 - SIGAFIN)




This routine was adjusted to comply with the General Personal Data Protection Law (Statute no. 13.70), and some fields that present information considered sensitive and/or personal data will be blurred, becoming illegible.

Presents the original data of the bills payable. The query can be performed both for open bills and for the ones that have been totally or partially posted.

When a bill is open, indicated by the green color, only its general data is presented, as registered in Bills Payable. This is data such as nature, status, customer, issue, due date, original value, deduction, bordereau, booking date etc.

When querying a partially or fully posted bill, besides the information mentioned above, the posting data such as date, interest, fine, correction, discounts, paid value, posting reason, check number, bank/branch/account, and conciliation is also presented.


In Brazil, the rate used in bill posting is detailed by the bill, while, in other countries, the system considers the rate of the day.


To query bills payable:

1. In the BP Bills Query routine window, select the desired bill and click Query.

The system processes the accounts payable data and displays a screen with various information about each registered bill.

2. Below the posted bills' record data, the system displays the bill payable transactions. In the screen's footer, the bill's balance is displayed.

3. Check the data and confirm it.