Páginas filhas
  • Subsidiary ledger (FINR510 - SIGAFIN)

This report presents the subsidiary journal of Clients or Suppliers, where financial values can be printed, or only the original values of the bills are presented.
The report parameterization consists of selecting if the term of the ledger is "Opening" or "Closure", the types of bills to be considered, the list of classes related to the bills, and others.

1 - If you select Yes in Select Branch, you can define the branches to be considered in the report.

2 - Other Actions Menu: Customize - Section: Filter: This allows the user to combine filter criteria in the selection of the transaction.

When implementing new filter criteria, always note that the relationship between tables SE1 → SE5 and SE2 → SE5 must be explicitly expressed, i.e., all bindings that demand referential integrity must be declared.

For example, to add criteria to the filter in Bills Receivable (SE1) and its transactions (SE5) with a prefix equal to 'AAA', enter as below:

1 - Select table SE1 - Accounts Receivable, and enter the criterion Prefix equal to 'AAA':

2 - Then, select table SE5 – Bank Transactions, and enter the criterion Prefix equal to 'AAA':

In the case of table SED, the filter applied will also be used in queries made to tables SE1, SE2, and SE5. 


To issue the subsidiary ledger report:

  1. In the "Subsidiary ledger" report issuance window, click "Parameters".

A screen is displayed to configure report parameters.

2. Configure them according to the field help instructions.

     Note: For the Companies/Branches screen to be presented, the parameters must be configured as below:
          MV_PAR09 (Print only the term?) = No
          MV_PAR14 (List by?) = Company
          MV_PAR27 (Select Branches?) = Yes

3. Check the configuration and confirm.          


  • Default report configuration
  • Custom report configuration
  • Tables Used