
This routine was adjusted to comply with the General Personal Data Protection Law (Statute No. 13.70), so that some fields containing data regarded as sensitive and/or personal are blurred, becoming illegible.


This routine enables a company to transfer clients debts (bills receivable) between company's branches and/or other clients. This resource specially supplies the transportation segment. A company is able to register its debits for branches which originated the bills from Accounts Receivable.

A checklist , defined in table AA - Checklist for Debit Transfer, in the Configurator module, is available for the company to define whether the collection must be transferred. However, if you need to add checking options to the checklist, the AA table can be changed in the Configurator module. Then, it is only allowed to add the request if all questions from the checklist are answered with Yes (marked with an X).

Table SE6 - Transfer Requests stores all transfer information, where each request is saved with a sequential number. Request

The field Dest. Installment stores the installment of the bill generated in destination branch (debit) through routine Transfer of Bills Receivable Among Branches, saving and validating such code.

To confirm the transfer, the destination branch may accept or reject the request through the Request Approval/Rejection routine.


The field Debit Branch saves the bill debit branch (in customization) through the Transport Management module (original system). This field is the reference to select transfer requests, since it indicates, on a shared Accounts Receivable database, which is the debit branch.


The system does not allow transfer request when:

  • the bill is not in the portfolio;
  • the bill has been posted;
  • there was a previous transfer request for the same bill.
  • the bill is of the type Advance Receipt - "RA". This blocking occurs because bank transactions have already occurred, thus causing a break in the consistency of the processed information.


    To request a transfer:

    1. In Transfer Req., select a bill and click Request.
    2. The system displays the Transfer Request screen.
    3. Bill data are present in the screen top area,
    4. The checklist is displayed in the center. All questions must be checked


    A transfer request can only be added if all checklist questions have been answered with Yes (checked with an X).

    1. In the bottom area, select the debit branch (destination) or the client (debit). You can also enter a transfer request history.
    2. Check data and confirm.
    3. The bill is flagged red , waiting for approval/rejection.

    The routine has two ways of using the automatic routine, one by calling the Fa620Auto function, the other via execauto.

    By calling the Fa620Auto function, you can request inter-branch transfers, and via execauto you can change the customer as well. 

    Example of using the automatic routine by the Fa620Auto function:

    User Function FINA620AUTO( )
    LOCAL nRecSe1	:= 18	//Main bill Recno
    LOCAL cfilDest	:= "02"	//Destination branch
    LOCAL cHist		:= "Transfer Test"	//Transfer history
    LOCAL lAprov	:= .T.	//Runs the transfer approval automatically
    LOCAL lMsgErro	:= .T.	//Displays error message "Mostraerro( )".
    PRIVATE lMsErroAuto := .F. 
    Fa620Auto(nRecSe1,cfilDest,cHist, lAprov, lMsgErro)
    If lMsErroAuto
        MostraErro( )
        Alert("Bill transferred successfully")

    Example of using the automatic routine by execauto:

    User function ExFin620()
    Local cE1_Pref := " "
    Local cE1_Num := "00102031 "
    Local cE1_Cliente := "000001"
    Local cE1_Loja := "01"
    Local cFilSE1 := "D MG 01 "
    Local cFilDest := "D MG 01 "
    Local aCab := {}
    Private lMsErroAuto := .F.
    RPCSETENV("T1", "D MG 01", "teste", "123", "FIN", "FINA620")
    If SE1->( dbSeek( cFilSE1+cE1_Pref+cE1_Num+" "+"NF"))
    	aadd(aCab, {"E6_FILDEB",cFilDest})
    	aadd(aCab, {"E6_CLIENTE",cE1_Cliente})
    	aadd(aCab, {"E6_LOJA",cE1_Loja})
    	aadd(aCab, {"AUTHISTDEB","Teste"})
    	//Adding Transfer Request
    	MSExecAuto({|a, b| FINA620(a,b)}, aCab,3)
    	If lMsErroAuto
    		MsgStop("Process successful.")
    	MsgStop("Bill not found.")


    • Collection Status