01. Overview

This routine enables two types of transfer:

    • Physical - when an asset is transferred to a location different from where it is now.
    • Accounting - when the accounting balance of an asset is transferred to another ledger account.

When an Accounting Transfer is performed, an accounting entry must be performed in order to transfer the current account values to the receiving accounts.

Option Automatic allows transferring from an asset group automatically. The initial and final base codes are requested, as well as the accounts to which these codes must be transferred. All interval codes are transferred to the accounts entered.


The setting of parameter MV_TIPDEPR, concerns the depreciation method. You can perform three calculations involving the asset acquisition date: (0) Proportional to the date; (1) Full month or (2) Month subsequent to the date of acquisition.

When you set the parameter MV_TIPDEPR to 2, the transfer of assets may occur in the same month as the last depreciation calculation or on a later date.

Transfers between branches are also possible, provided the branches of origin and destination have generated the last depreciation calculation in the same month (MV_ULTDEPR).


Parameter MV_TIPDEPR is related only at the time of asset acquisition. It plays the role of updating the field N3_DINDEPR. Thus, be mindful that a transfer is not a new acquisition. 


In transfer with full depreciation at posting "MV_ATFDPBX equal to 2" the origin is not depreciated, only the destination.
To depreciate the origin, you must use the method proportional depreciation
Therefore, it is booked from the beginning of the month until the day of the transfer. 
The destination will be depreciated with the day of the transfer +1, through routine Monthly Calculation (ATFA050).

02. Procedures

To make a transfer:

1. In Transfers Maintenance, select the asset to be transferred

2. Select option Transfer.

3. The parameters window is displayed.

4. Follow help instructions to fill in and confirm the data.

A screen is displayed, divided in two parts:

Origin Accounting Data - The system automatically fills in the accounting data of the asset's origin. The data is not editable. These are the asset's current data, before the transfer.

Destination Accounting Data - The accounting data of the asset's destination are filled in exactly the same as those of origin, to make it easier for the user to type them. You must edit these data to make the transfer. If you keep the data displayed by the system, no transfer occurs.


Note that the transfers screen is divided in folders, in each of which you can view the origin and destination data:

  • Ledger Account
  • Cost Center
  • Accounting Item
  • Code of Value Class
  • Invoice

5. You must only fill out the destination fields; however, you do not need to edit all fields. Fill in only the data of fields subject to changes.

6. Check and Confirm the data.

03. Transfer of fixed asset forms classified as Provision Budget with APV in installments

  1. In Fixed Asset (SIGAATF), access Transfer, place the cursor on the asset of provision budget.
  2. Select option Transfer.
  3. Fill out the data requested, changing the destination branch of the fixed asset form and confirm it.
  4. After confirmation, make sure the routine has made the transfer jointly with the Expense Provision assets related to this Provision Budget.

04. Transfer of fixed asset forms classified as Expense Provision

  1. In Fixed Asset (SIGAATF), access Transfer, place the cursor on the asset of provision budget.
  2. Select option Transfer.
  3. The system displays the impossibility of directly transferring an asset form classified as Expense Provision related to an asset of Provision Budget classification.

05. Transfer of asset with generation of incoming/outgoing invoice

  1. In Tab Invoice, in field Generate Invoice, select the content in 1-Yes.
  2. Follow field Help instructions to fill in the remaining fields.
  3. Check the data and click Save.

06. ICMS values after allocation of CIAP

If there are CIAP maintenance allocations at the branch of origin and the ICMS value has been credited, it is not right to enter only the value of the asset in the transfer. When the TIO in use is set to credit ICMS yes, the ICMS is calculated on the value entered, which may cause transfer losses.

The right way is to enter the value of ICMS (not full) + Cost Value (asset).

To correctly enter the ICMS value in the transfer, you need to use the ICMS value after allocations and divide it by the ICMS percentage. The result obtained is the value to be entered.

For example,

If the incoming invoice value is BRL 1,000.00 and the value of the asset at the branch of origin is BRL 820.00 and the value of ICMS is BRL 180.00 (with two allocations of BRL 3.75 each), the value of ICMS after the allocations will be BRL 172.50.

To enter the correct value in the transfer, you must divide this value by 18% (the ICMS percentage), resulting in BRL 958.33. You must enter this value together with the value of the asset in the transfer.

Thus, at the destination branch, the correct value of the fixed asset and the ICMS are displayed in accordance with the allocations made at the branch of origin.

The ICMS value entered in the transfer must be correctly calculated to avoid unnecessary losses.


You can only delete an outgoing or incoming invoice. You must execute this process by cancelling the transfer.