This routine performs advance of trips requested in routine Trips, so the participant does not use his or her own money in extra expenses during the trip.

These advances are generally used for expenses related to taxi, meal etc. The status can be: Denied, Requested, Approved, Release, Paid, Closed, Blocked, Without Value, Manager Evaluation.

An e-mail with advance request status to configure parameter MV_RESAVIS.


  • To use this feature, configure parameters in Config Wizard.
  • The advances are individually controlled by each participant in each trip.
  • Local currency is used. If it is international, the advances can be requested in 3 different currencies (Local, Dollar, Euro). Bills payable are not generated for the participant
  • To generate a bill payable, the participant must be associated to the supplier register.
  • The advance payment estimate date is calculated through parameter MV_RESADDU.
  • Two requests for the same participant in the trip: the second request is generated as Blocked.
  • The advance values can be performed by a substitute Approver, indicated in the Participants register.
  • To determine the users viewing advances of a participants group, use routine Access Group.


Requesting an advance:

1. Fill out parameters as desired.

2. Check data and confirm procedure.

 A screen with all advance requests is displayed.

3. Select the advance.

4. Click Related Actions, option Release, then Approve.

5. Click again RelatedActions, Release payment, so a bill payable is generated.

6. Check data and confirm procedure.

See Also